In a world where food supply is not guaranteed plentiful all the time, our body has adapted in such a way that we have the capacity to keep extra energy reserves efficiently in times of food abundance, and to use these reserves in instances of famine. I am referring to no other than the fat cells or adipose cells, which are randomly distributed all through our body. The function of fat is important for human survival. In infants, for example, it has been cited that the pads of fat in the child's cheeks can allow the baby to survive for several days with no food.
While survival may be one good reason to get these fat cells to work; the same fat cells can also put the body at risk for many diseases. In the presence of dietary abundance coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, and guided importantly with hereditary endowment, fat cells can produce adverse health consequences which start off with a problem known as obesity.
Obesity is a state of too much adipose tissue mass. That occurs due to increased energy consumption, minimum energy expenditure, or both. Energy intake to the body that is not used up is kept in fat tissues in the form of triglycerides. The most broadly used method to gauge obesity is the body mass index (BMI). To determine your Body Mass Index, simply divide your weight in kilograms over the square of your height in meters (BMI= kg/meter²). The classification being founded on BMI is shown below.
Classification BMI (kg/m²)
Underweight less than 19
Normal weight 19-25
Overweight 26-30
Obese more than 30
Though a BMI of 26-30 places one in an overweight classification only, that is often seen as medically significant and deserving of therapeutic intervention, most especially in the presence of other risk elements like high blood pressure and glucose intolerance. All the more, A BMI of more than 30 unquestionably warrants fast attention.
It is now an established fact that as individuals get much more obese, their regular energy output increases. An obese man or woman need to therefore eat more than the regular lean person to maintain their increased weight. Therefore, the first step an obese person need to take into account if he wishes to be extra-fat free is to get rid of weight.
Below is a guide to knowing how much an obese person must lose from his weight and how to get rid of them.
Step 1. Know your best body weight.
For female: 100 lbs (5 lbs per inch over 5 feet)
For male : 106 lbs (6 lbs per inch over 5 feet)
Step 2. Know your day-to-day caloric requirement.There is a formula to compute it.
Step 3. Reduce your energy consumption.
Try losing 1 pound (0.45 kg) body weight by under-eating 3,500 calories over the course of the week. This may imply cutting your daily caloric consumption by 500 calories per day, since it is impossible for anybody to shed 3,500 calories in one day. Besides, nutritionists advise avoiding abrupt weight loss that can be deleterious to your health.
Step 4. Increase your energy expenditure
You need to increase your energy output at the same time, by adding in more exercise. In this way, you'll find it easier to shed pounds. For example, if you are aiming to get rid of 1 lb over a week (500 calories/day), maybe each day you can try consuming 250 calories less and engage yourself on a half-hour cardio exercise that can burn up an additional 250 calories. However, because a lot of obese individuals have cardiovascular risk factors, exercise ought to be introduced little by little and under medical supervision.
* The ideal body weight that you obtained in Step 1 can serve as your guide. In making an attempt to lose excess weight, you may not necessarily attain your perfect body weight, for as long as your new BMI will now fall between 19-25 kg/m², which is the normal BMI.
Though obesity is a persistent medical problem, there are reasons to believe that it can be treated. Of course, the treatment and the whole course of action of reversing this condition is not simple at all, but with the person's determination, self-discipline, patience, and challenging work, there is no reason that it cannot be done.
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