Wednesday, July 27, 2011

15-Minute Back Workout

I remain convinced that, if you’re just looking to tone and maintain, you can blitz any given muscle group in 15 minutes tops.  Here’s the circuit I like to use for my back:

Pull-ups–Lots and lots of pull-ups!  I find these to be the best exercises for carving out a defined back.  Positioning your hands a little wider than shoulder width to keep the emphasis on the back and off the biceps as much as possible, come all the way down.  Try not to hang there!  Bring it right back up.  It’s also okay to use a pull-up machine if you need a little assistance.  If you don’t have access to a pull-up machine, you can put a chair or bench under the pull-up bar.  This will enable you to complete more reps and maintain form.  Check it out here:Barbell T-Bar Rows w/V-Handle–After 2-3 sets of pull-ups to failure, I like to go right into the free weights.  You don’t see this one a lot, but I absolutely love it.  Put desired weight plates on one end of a barbell.  Utilizing a V-Handle, straddle the barbell with your torso bent until it is nearly parallel to the floor.  Bring your hands up to your abdomen, keeping the elbows in, until the plates touch your chest.  Keep your torso static as you lower the bar until your arms are fully extended.  I like to do three sets of these at 12-10-8 reps.  Here is a perfect demonstration of form:Incline Bench Two-Arm Dumbbell Rows–There are many, many ways to execute a row.  But this is my favorite.  Lay face down on a slightly inclined bench with your head hanging just off the front.  With a dumbbell in each hand, raise them up off the floor, squeezing the shoulder blades together at the top.  Three sets at 12-10-8.  Here’s how it looks in action: Standing Resistance Band Rows–Then we go into the resistance band work.  I like to close with resistance band work because it enables you to get a nice stretch in the muscles after you ripped them with the free weights.  Find something sturdy like a fence or a beam in your basement to wrap the band around.  Personally, I like to put the band up about eight feet, so I’m pulling slightly downward.  But you can experiment with different levels to target different areas of your back.  I give myself enough resistance so that, if I lean back, I’m not going to fall flat on my butt.  Keeping the torso static and the elbows in, pull the handles in toward your waistline.  Depending on your resistance level, you may be able to do more of these than with other exercises.  Keep the reps nice and controlled.  You’ll know when you’re done!  Here is a good shot of what “nice and controlled” looks like: More Pull-ups!–If you’re feeling up to it, close out with another set or two of pull-ups.  Personally, I don’t think you can ever do enough bodyweight exercises.  So even if you can only pump out another 2-3 reps, I find them to be very beneficial here.

Another muscle group complete in 15 minutes or less.  Now go take a look in the mirror at the V-Shape in your back before the pump wears off!

Kenon graduated from Ohio University in 2001 with a Bachelor of Sport Science. After 13 years of smoking cigarettes, he finally kicked the habit in 2008. Shortly thereafter, a new addiction emerged--distance running. After countless 5k, 10k, and half marathon races, he completed his first full marathon in Athens, OH on April 3, 2011. He is committed to a notion that fitness is not about weight loss, muscle gain, or fast race times. Fitness is a permanent lifestyle choice. Incorporate healthy behaviors into your everyday schedule and you will experience the benefits in every aspect of your life.

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