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At work I’ve been working on a website for a furniture company. Looking through all the cool standing and treadmill desks they now offer in addition to traditional furniture has made me really want a more active desk option. The full time job is awesome but sitting so much still drives me crazy. That’s a lot of time spent being sedentary every day.
Since I have more control over my desk situation at home I decided to make my own standing desk to test it out. I don’t have an actual desk at home so I decided to use my kitchen counter bar as a standing desk (totally got the idea from Anne).
Here’s my setup:
Nice, right? I can stand there and easily blog and do anything I need to do on the computer.
It’s obviously a really classy, and very technical setup. I use a 2.5 lb weight to keep my Ethernet cable from escaping my laptop.
Whatever works, right? I might secretly refer to it as my ghetto standing desk. ;)
I’m loving it so far. I’ve been doing it for a few days and I really like standing for an hour or so each night while I blog and read other blogs. It’s a much better option than adding on more hours to my sedentary total for the day!
Plus when I’m at my standing desk I rarely stand still. I sway, I move my feet, I tap my legs, I fidget a lot more without even being aware of it. Burning calories while blogging? Yes please! And if I do ever get too tired I can always just pull up a bar stool or go sit down elsewhere.
(I totally debated whether or not to use these photos. I never dress up at home though, so it’s more authentic to look a hot mess. Win!)
My new ghetto standing desk is awesome. I’m pretty happy with how it’s working out so this will probably be a permanent change for me. I’m so glad I decided to do this and make a positive change that allows me to be healthy and still keep blogging.
It’s pretty easy to create your own standing desk, even if it’s just plopping your laptop on a higher location like I did. There are lots of reasons why you might want to consider creating your own standing desk – especially if you spend a lot of hours on the computer like I do. Here’s some extra reading that might inspire you and help you figure out how to create your own standing desk setup.
Why sitting all day is bad for you:
How to create your own standing desk setup:
Do you have a standing desk? Or a treadmill desk? Would you ever want one?