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Prepare yourselves dear readers, for the most random post ever.
My calves, outer thighs, and butt are super sore today. They were sore yesterday too and the DOMS continues today. I honestly didn’t realize my workout on Sunday would have such consequences. But that’s what I get for missing two previous workouts. Picking up where I left off hurt!
I actually love DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). It’s a fun feeling because even though you are sore you know your body pushed hard and it’s actually in the healing process.
I didn’t lift weights yesterday and today is my light weight/high rep day. Usually it’s Sunday but I’m all off on my scheduling right now. I’m just going to go with it though. Better to get things done than try to have a perfect schedule.
That’s my new motto for everything, I think.
Better to get things done than to be perfect.
Speaking of which, I’m trying to use that motto for wedding stuff. I’m trying to just get as much done as possible right now. This week I’m finishing the paper flower bouquets. Here’s the first I did.
Perfect? No? Do I even like them? Waffling on that. But I’m getting them done. That’s pretty much what my weekends consist of now – getting wedding stuff done.
Lunch today is as non complicated I could get it – a frozen meal.
I actually don’t like many frozen meals but I was told these were decent. I bought them during my last trip to Whole Foods. They weren’t bad at all! I liked that they were corn tortillas and mostly organic ingredients and low in sodium. All good things! It could have used some hot sauce, and obviously wasn’t as good as homemade enchiladas, but other than that I enjoyed it.
I almost deleted this blog over the weekend. Lately I’ve felt like a huge blogging and social media failure. It’s a weird feeling that is hanging over me like a dark cloud. Some days I want to disappear or start over or just let this blog die. Yet at the same time I feel committed to posting. Maybe it’s just the need to finish this journey through and see where I get with the therapy aspect, or maybe it’s just the fact that I’ve had this blog longer than any other hobby. It’s hard to let go.
If I’m sticking with that new motto I claimed earlier, then I should just keep blogging. Better to do it than to be perfect, right? This blog will never be perfect or even super duper crazy popular. I will never be perfect. My life will never be perfect. But it’s real and it’s interesting and it’s out there. It’s happening and I love it.
Like I said, random post. Couldn’t pick just one thing to write about today so I wrote about it all. Maybe I’ll be more cohesive and focus tomorrow? Maybe. See you then!