Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Foods That Will Help You Burn Fat Fast

Undoubtedly you've seen those commercials and can't help but ask yourself, "is it really possible to burn fat fast while eating"? This is definitely possible, if you know what kind of foods to eat. Body fat burning is possible by eating foods that are high in protein and fiber. This is possible because it takes more energy to digest these substances.

You see, a diet that's high in protein and fiber will make the body work hard to digest these items. A weight loss diet will include foods that are high in protein and fiber. These two substances can go a long way in the battle against fat.

Some foods that will help you burn fat fast are lean meats and eggs. These are essential to every fat burning diet plan. Eggs are recommended because they're high in protein and rich in vitamin B12. The body can use B12 to jump the fat burning process. Additionally, turkey, chicken, and lean cuts of beef are good fat burners. Tuna and salmon also contain high amount of protein to burn fat fast.

When choosing dairy products that will burn fat fast, use only low fat products. In addition to burning fat, low fat dairy products provide several other benefits. First, dairy products contain calcium and this helps strengthen the bones. Additionally, dairy products help burn fat. If you choose to use dairy as part of your fat burning diet, make sure you choose only those that are low in fat. Check the labels of all dairy products to ensure they are either low fat or fat free.

Make beans part of your fat burning diet. Legumes, or any type of bean including garbanzo, pinto, and navy beans are high in protein and fiber and contain high amounts of iron. When selecting beans, steer clear of friend or baked beans and make sure any bean is thoroughly cooked before eating it.

To burn fat fast, you have to pay attention to the snacks and breakfast foods you choose. Every fat burning diet will should include whole grains and oatmeal. Not only does oatmeal help burn fat because it contains soluble fiber, but it helps lower bad cholesterol levels. It also promotes good colon and heart health. Incorporating whole grain foods into your diet will provide the fiber that will help you burn fat fast, but it also adds healthy carbs to your meal plans.

Olive oil is a good fat and is know to help the fat burning process. Therefore, cook with olive oil whenever possible. By using olive oil instead of regular cooking oil, you are making your diet much healthier. Believe it or not, some people drink olive oil in place of juices or other liquids.

You can learn about more foods that burn fat fast by reading our Fat Burning Furnace review. Remember, even though you want to lose weight, you don't have to starve yourself. You just need to choose the right foods and prepare them in a healthy manner.

Don't waste your time and money. If you really want to burn fat fast, we have reviewed several fat burning diets. You can also read my fat burning review to lose weight quickly.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Foods That Burn Fat - How They Scorch Away Fat

If you ever wondered how foods that burn fat works, you will know after reading this article - it explains the 5 ways that these types of foods work.

Fat burning foods don't simply work by burning off excess body-fat just like that. They burn in many different ways with complicated processes.

Understanding how they burn it is important to give yourself motivation to include them in your diet the right way.

Let's look at the different ways that these foods burn it now:

They speed up your weight loss

One of the main ways that foods that burn fat, actually burns it away is by helping you to lose weight. If you lose weight you automatically also lose some body-fat.

One such example of such foods is fat free yogurt. It contains calcium that speeds up weight loss. And by speeding up your weight loss, you also speeds up your fat loss.

They help you build lean muscle mass

Another way that fat burning foods burns away fat, is by encouraging the building of lean muscle mass.

When your body builds new lean muscle mass, it burns away lots of fat to make room for your new muscles. It also speeds up your metabolism so that you burn even more calories and fat.

One of these foods that encourage the building of lean muscle mass is skinless chicken fillets.

They keep you fuller for longer

There are some of these foods that keep you fuller for longer and help you to burn off excess fat because you eat less when you are fuller - leading to a calorie burn and some fat loss.

The side-benefit of this type of fat burning food is just as important (if not more important) than just burning fat. It is essential for long term weight maintenance that you stay fuller for longer.

They boost your metabolism

Boosting your metabolism is another way that they help you to burn more fat. A faster metabolism means that you burn calories and fat at a faster rate - making your fat loss faster and also helping you lose some weight.

They curb your hunger

Some of these foods that burn fat are excellent low calorie and fat appetite suppressants and works when you most need them - when you have cravings or when you have unexplained hunger pangs. And by curbing your hunger and cravings with lower calorie foods you enable your body to shed some of the excising fat.

They help the body shed fat and reduce future fat storing

And then there are fat burning foods that are natural fat burners and that work just by burning fat. Some of them even reduce future fat storage - making it a double fat burning food!

Going into detail on each of these different types of fat burning foods and giving examples of them with explanations will take up a huge amount of space.

That's why I've made a special report on fat burning foods - what they are, how they work, lots of examples and guidelines to make the perfect fat burning diet.

And now I would like to offer you free instant access the report, just for reading my article today. You can get access to this free report by clicking this link: FREE fat burning foods report.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How to Reduce Weight

Reducing weight is a lot easier said than done. If weight-loss was simple, thousands of people in the supplement and fitness industry would not be cashing in on our desire to slim down quickly. Nevertheless, shedding extra weight is a result of three very simple, tried-and-true principles. Stick to these, and you’ll ultimately reach your weight-loss goals.

Advocates of supplements and fad diets may tell you differently, but your body weight is primarily a result of your energy balance, or the amount of calories you take in each day versus the amount your body expends through activity.  Calories provide energy and your body requires a certain number of calories each day to support its basic vital functions, as well as any additional physical activity. If your body does not receive enough calories through food, it will ultimately burn its own carbohydrate, fat and protein stores. Achieving a negative energy balance, or a state in which you burn more calories than you eat, is the only way to lose weight. You need to achieve a negative energy balance of 3,500 calories to burn 1 lb. of fat.

While cutting calories can help you reach a negative energy balance, you can enhance this state by increasing your physical activity level. Physical activity burns calories, builds muscle and increases your basal metabolic rate, or the rate at which your body metabolizes the calories you consume. Exercising for 30 minutes each day at a moderate intensity can burn 200 or more calories. Exercising at a high intensity can result in even greater caloric expenditures.

3. Balance Your Diet

While your body’s weight is primarily a result of your energy balance — regardless of the type of food you eat– a balanced diet can indirectly influence body weight. For example, fat contains 9 calories per 1 g while the other two macronutrients (carbohydrates and protein) each contain just 4. If you consume foods that are high in fat, it is much easier to consume unnecessary calories than if you overeat foods that are high in carbohydrates and protein. The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine recommends consuming 45 to 65 percent of your calories from carbohydrates, 20 to 35 percent from fat and 10 to 35 percent from protein. Even if you cut your overall calories, you should still follow these guidelines.

Carbohydrates are essential for our overall health and are the key fuel source for our body’s cells. Much debate has occurred over the efficacy of low-carb diets in promoting weight-loss. According to the Mayo Clinic, low-carb diets are likely effective because they have an impact the body’s energy balance — regardless of the type of nutrients being consumed. Low-carb diets also advocate restricting fruits and vegetables, which are chocked full of essential vitamins and minerals. Such diets increase the risk of nutrient deficiencies.

While low-carb diets are not advisable, limiting simple carbohydrates, or sugars, can help you lose weight. Simple sugars are carbohydrates that consist of just one or two saccharide molecules. When eaten, they are broken down quickly and provide a sudden burst of energy followed by a crash. This crash can leave you craving more simple sugars shortly after eating, causing you to consume extra calories.

Complex carbohydrates are broken down slowly, causing a more gradual — but lasting– effect on blood  sugar levels. Complex carbohydrates provide a prolonged state of fullness and can prevent you from craving more calories. Fiber is a complex carbohydrate that cannot be digested, and as it passes through your body, can help cleanse the intestinal tract. Fiber has also been demonstrated to reduce blood cholesterol and help manage blood sugar levels, thus helping to prevent type 2 diabetes.

Fruits and vegetables are key components of a healthy weight-loss diet for two reasons. First, they have a low energy density. Because much of their weight consists of water, they contain relatively few calories compared to their overall weight. Foods with a low energy density can help provide a feeling of fullness without adding a lot of calories. Second, fruits and vegetables have a high nutrient density. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins and minerals, without contributing many calories. You can meet many of your daily nutrient needs through consuming fruits and vegetables without all the calories of many other types of foods.

Rapid weight-loss programs, or those which suggest cutting more than a few lbs. a week, are dangerous and you should avoid them at all costs. Cutting more than about 500 calories from your daily diet can place your body at risk of severe nutrient deficiency, losses in muscle rather than fat, dehydration and, in extreme cases, organ damage and death. A realistic goal for weight-loss is about 1 to 2 lbs. per week. Give yourself plenty of time to reach your weight-loss goal, eat a balanced diet, increase your activity level and you will shed that extra weight.

Losing weight gradually also has a positive psychological effect. Whereas rapid weight-loss diets focus on solely the outcome (i.e., reaching a certain body weight), gradual weight-loss programs allow you the time to change your lifestyle and develop the behavior patterns consistent with maintaining your weight after your diet is complete. Many people who aim to lose weight quickly find themselves right back where they started shortly after they’ve reached their goal. Those who focus on losing weight slowly generally have a better toolset for maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle.

Graham is a writer, coach, personal trainer and avid sports and fitness enthusiast. With a M.S. in Exercise Science, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and years of practical experience coaching and training, including with the Army's Center for Enhanced Performance and the United States Olympic Training Center, Graham is well-equipped to write on high-performance training issues, as well as nutrition and fitness for the average Joe or Jane.

View more articles from Graham Ulmer

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15-Minute Back Workout

I remain convinced that, if you’re just looking to tone and maintain, you can blitz any given muscle group in 15 minutes tops.  Here’s the circuit I like to use for my back:

Pull-ups–Lots and lots of pull-ups!  I find these to be the best exercises for carving out a defined back.  Positioning your hands a little wider than shoulder width to keep the emphasis on the back and off the biceps as much as possible, come all the way down.  Try not to hang there!  Bring it right back up.  It’s also okay to use a pull-up machine if you need a little assistance.  If you don’t have access to a pull-up machine, you can put a chair or bench under the pull-up bar.  This will enable you to complete more reps and maintain form.  Check it out here:Barbell T-Bar Rows w/V-Handle–After 2-3 sets of pull-ups to failure, I like to go right into the free weights.  You don’t see this one a lot, but I absolutely love it.  Put desired weight plates on one end of a barbell.  Utilizing a V-Handle, straddle the barbell with your torso bent until it is nearly parallel to the floor.  Bring your hands up to your abdomen, keeping the elbows in, until the plates touch your chest.  Keep your torso static as you lower the bar until your arms are fully extended.  I like to do three sets of these at 12-10-8 reps.  Here is a perfect demonstration of form:Incline Bench Two-Arm Dumbbell Rows–There are many, many ways to execute a row.  But this is my favorite.  Lay face down on a slightly inclined bench with your head hanging just off the front.  With a dumbbell in each hand, raise them up off the floor, squeezing the shoulder blades together at the top.  Three sets at 12-10-8.  Here’s how it looks in action: Standing Resistance Band Rows–Then we go into the resistance band work.  I like to close with resistance band work because it enables you to get a nice stretch in the muscles after you ripped them with the free weights.  Find something sturdy like a fence or a beam in your basement to wrap the band around.  Personally, I like to put the band up about eight feet, so I’m pulling slightly downward.  But you can experiment with different levels to target different areas of your back.  I give myself enough resistance so that, if I lean back, I’m not going to fall flat on my butt.  Keeping the torso static and the elbows in, pull the handles in toward your waistline.  Depending on your resistance level, you may be able to do more of these than with other exercises.  Keep the reps nice and controlled.  You’ll know when you’re done!  Here is a good shot of what “nice and controlled” looks like: More Pull-ups!–If you’re feeling up to it, close out with another set or two of pull-ups.  Personally, I don’t think you can ever do enough bodyweight exercises.  So even if you can only pump out another 2-3 reps, I find them to be very beneficial here.

Another muscle group complete in 15 minutes or less.  Now go take a look in the mirror at the V-Shape in your back before the pump wears off!

Kenon graduated from Ohio University in 2001 with a Bachelor of Sport Science. After 13 years of smoking cigarettes, he finally kicked the habit in 2008. Shortly thereafter, a new addiction emerged--distance running. After countless 5k, 10k, and half marathon races, he completed his first full marathon in Athens, OH on April 3, 2011. He is committed to a notion that fitness is not about weight loss, muscle gain, or fast race times. Fitness is a permanent lifestyle choice. Incorporate healthy behaviors into your everyday schedule and you will experience the benefits in every aspect of your life.

View more articles from Kenon Carter

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fat Burning Foods - Foods That Burn Fat Fast!

So What is a Fat Burning Food?

A fat burning food is a type of food that contains a combination of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that is used to promote fat burning hormones inside your body.

These foods help speed up your metabolism.

This is important because your metabolism is your "fat-burning engine" that you will use as a weapon to shred the fat off of you. The higher your metabolism is, the more calories and fat you will burn throughout a 24-hour period and the closer you will be to achieving your weight loss goals.

The great thing about these fat burning foods is that they have a high "thermogenic effect" which means that the body has to use energy to digest the food. Now although every food has some level of thermogenic effect, certain foods including the fat burning foods I will give you have a greater effect than others.

Fat burning foods are clinically proven to promote weight loss. Now for the list of excellent fat burning foods!

Fat Burning Food #1- Nuts

Nuts are full of healthy fats and have protein and magnesium for muscle-building!

Nuts are an excellent fat burning food! Many people will advise you to stay away from nuts because they are high in fat. That is only a half truth, nuts are high in fat but they are high in good fat!

They are packed with healthy monounsaturated fats and are a great source of protein and fiber that helps keeping you feel satisfied and can help stop cravings for more food. Monounsaturated fats even help clear up your arteries for a nice and healthy heart.

Almonds are by far the king of all the nuts. A nice handful of almonds provide you with 19 percent of your daily requirement of magnesium which is a key component for building nice strong muscles.

Almonds also provide you with half the daily amount of vitamin E. Nuts also contain no sugar so there is no insulin response for you to worry about.

Warning: Do not buy salted nuts or mixed nuts you get in a can because these are not good for you and have a high sodium content. High sodium equals high blood pressure!

Two handful of nuts a day (about 24 of them) is a great way to eat to keep you full, a good source of Vitamin E, helps keep your heart healthy, and also packed with protein and magnesium to help build muscle!

Fat Burning Food #2- Eggs

Now I know what your thinking... Eggs are high in cholesterol and in fat!

Now hang on just a second, eggs have been given a bad reputation over the years for being famous in many fast food dishes and cooked in hydrogenated oils which definitely isn't good for you.

Eggs do raise your cholesterol but it raises the levels of HDL cholesterol which is good cholesterol. Eggs don't raise LDL cholesterol which is the bad cholesterol.

In addition, it was found that most blood cholesterol is made from the body from dietary fat, not dietary cholesterol.

Eggs are not only a great fat burning food but also contain Omega 3 fatty acids which help promote overall health and reduce the risk of Cardiovascular disease and also reduce the risk of blood clots!

The most important reason why you should eat eggs for the fat burning engine is because it is packed with protein and it contains vitamin b12, which is essential for fat breakdown!

The protein found in eggs has the highest "biological value" of protein. All that means is the protein in eggs is more effective in building muscle than other sources including lean red meat and milk.

Word of advice: eat the yolk sometimes, not just the egg whites. The reason is one main antioxidant found in the yolk is lutein.

It can be found in leafy greens such as spinach and helps slow down the thickening of the arteries which can lead to heart disease over time.

Fat Burning Food # 3- Green Vegetables

Mom always used to say "eat your green vegetables" and she was right!

Green vegetables are an excellent fat burning food. They produce the negative calorie effect which means it takes more calories to digest green vegetables than they contain.

Green vegetables also produce the "thermogenic effect" that I spoke of earlier. All it means is it creates an increase in the metabolic rate based upon the amount of heat generated during the process of digestion.

This makes green vegetables one of the top fat burning foods! But this isn't all they have to offer.

Spinach is probably the top green vegetable. It contains nearly a full day's worth of vitamin A and half of your vitamin C. Spinach also has folate and protects against colon cancer, stroke, and heart disease!

Broccoli is perhaps one of my favorite green vegetables. It has plenty of fiber and is highly packed with minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Broccoli increases the enzymes that help detoxify carcinogens which helps fight against cancer.

Word of advice: When ordering your green vegetables at a restaurant, be sure to ask the waiter not to have your vegetables bathed in butter. Most restaurants put butter on them and that prettymuch defeats the purpose of eating healthy and trying to burn fat doesn't it?

Fat Burning Food #4- Berries

Finally something sweet for you to eat! You can put berries in your oatmeal during your morning breakfast or even toss them in some low-fat yogurt.

Berries definitely are a great fat burning food and they even help fight against obesity.

They have a great amount vitamins, antioxidants and fiber which helps regulate the absorption and digestion of sugar and carbohydrates. This is excellent news because that doesn't cause a blood sugar spike or an insulin spike which triggers your body to store fat.

Don't forget fiber also helps you keep full and a cup of berries packs a whopping 6 grams of fiber!

Word of advice: When picking your berries, look at the bottom of the carton..if you see berry juice, stay away because that means the berries will go bad soon! Oh and Captain Crunch berries do not count as healthy berries in case you were wondering:)

Fat Burning Food # 5- Lean Meats

Finally all of you meat lovers can rejoice! Lean meats are extremely important in any diet focused on burning fat. It contains high quality protein which reduces cravings and helps build muscle and repair cells which is vital in promoting a lean physique.

Protein has a high "thermogenic effect" and burns a lot of calories trying to break down protein and use it for energy. The lean meats you should focus are on chicken, turkey and fish.

These are the best of the lean meats. Pick white meat over dark meat when eating poultry and the best fish to eat is salmon or tuna because they are packed with omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids which decreases the amount of leptin in your body.

Leptin affects metabolism by the higher the leptin levels in your body, the more your body stores fat.

Word of advice: I know many of you enjoy red meat and love to eat steak which is fine. But steak has a lot of saturated fat and there are leaner cuts than others so make sure you pay attention. Always look for loins. New York strips and sirloin are less fatty than T-bones, Rib-eye steak and porterhouse steak. If you are looking for pork, then stick with cured ham, lean pork chops and tenderloin.

There are many fat burning foods  that you can eat. It took me a long time to gather the information I needed to change my life around.

But there is hope for you, simply visit to gain access to even more fat burning foods that helped me achieve my weight loss goals.

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Sacroiliac Joint Pain

The SI or Sacroiliac Joint is one of two joints in the pelvis that connects the sacrum, or lowest part of the spine, to the large pelvic bone, the ilium. The two sacroiliac joints, on either side of the pelvis, connect the spine to the pelvis. The coccyx, or tailbone, is connected to the sacrum, but has no connection to the pelvis, and can be easily injured or bruised from a fall.
The SI Joint moves with a slight gliding action as we flex and walk. Sometimes walking, sitting, standing, or lying can cause pain in this joint and refer into the back, buttocks, and thigh. This radiating pain is sometimes confused with sciatica or low back pain.

Piriformis Courtesy of

Generally, pain in the sacroiliac area can be distinguished from pain in the low back or sciatica based on the location of symptoms and whether or not the symptoms felt are localized or radiate into the buttock or leg. Classic symptoms for sciatica inlcude: pain in the lower back, buttock, and/or various parts of the leg and foot that can sometimes be severe. Numbness, muscular weakness, tingling and difficulty in moving or controlling the leg can also occur. Typically, the symptoms are only felt on one side of the body.

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction, can be described as pain in the SI, low back, hip or groin. The pain is typically worse with standing and walking and improved when lying down. Inflammation and arthritis in the SI joint can also cause stiffness and a burning sensation in the pelvis. It can be difficult to identify the exact cause of pain, therefore, you may need to see a physician or physical therapist to help idendify the source.

Piriformis Courtesy of

Although SI joint dysfunction has similar symptoms and does affect the sciatic nerve, it is not caused by a pinched nerve root. SI joint pain is normally caused either by overuse, wear and tear on the cartilage in the joint, or from underuse were it becomes tighter and less mobile causing pain when we do need to mobilize it for activity.

Pregnancy is also a big risk factor for sacroiliac joint dysfunction caused by instability. Due to the increased amount of circulating hormones that cause ligamentous laxity in the body, pregnant and postpartum women often experience pain in their hips, low back and SI joint.

The goal then of SI joint exercise is to perform range of motion and stretching exercises helping to mobilize and stabilize the joint ligaments.

Stretching Exercises for the Pelvis These stretching exercises will help a stiff pelvis, or those who have decreased mobility and motion through the hips and pelvic girdle. For those that are hypermobile, continue on to strengthening and stabilizing exericses.

Knee to chest stretch: Exhale as you engage the abdominal muscles gently drawing one knee at a time to the chest, hold for a 2 count, then release. Do this 8-10 times with each leg.

Knee Sways: Lying on your back with your knees bent and together with your feet flat on the floor, gently sway the knees side to side. The lower back should remain fairly still on the mat. As you improve you will be able to let the knees sway further to the floor feeling the lower back and hips peel off the mat. Do this for 4-8 times each side.

Piriformis Stretch: Lying on your back with your knees bent, and spine in neutral, cross your leg with your ankle resting on the opposite thigh. Grasp the “under” leg and pull it towards you. Hold this stretch for 20-30 seconds, then switch legs.

Strengthening and Stabilizing Exercises for the SI and Pelvic Girdle.Pelvic stabilization exercises should be performed to strengthen muscles that support a joint that may be too loose. This is important because the extra motion can cause wear and tear on the joint cartilage leading to degeneration and arthritis.

Knee Stirs: Start lying on your back with your spine in neutral (tailbone and lower ribs in contact with the mat, natural curve in the lumbar spine), and hands on your hip bones.

Exhale as you fold one knee up to a 90 degree angle from the hip so the shin is parallel to the floor. Feel the head of the thigh bone sink into the hip socket. Keeping the pelvis stable and hips level circle the knee feeling the head of the femur rotate in the hip socket. Circle clockwise and counterclockwise 4-8 times each direction for each leg.

Clam Shells: Start lying on your back with knees bent and squeezed together feet flat, place your hands on your hip bones and keep them still or level with the ceiling. Use your fingers to feel for a muscle contraction of your lower abdominal muscles just below your hip bones.

Keeping your spine neutral with tailbone down and middle ribs pressed into the mat let your knees fall apart until you feel a gentle stretch in the groin, as you exhale draw them back together feeling the deeper pelvic floor and lower abdominal muscles working. Keep the buttocks relaxed. Do this for 6-10 repetions.

**Variation: Drop just one leg at a time toward the floor making sure the opposite buttock stays in contact with the mat and the hips stay level. This should be done very slowly and controlled. Make sure to feel for a good contraction on your lower abdominal muscles.

Jane Fonda’s: Start side-lying, with your hips and shoulders stacked, spine in neutral. You can bend the bottom knee to increase your stability.

Exhale as you lift the top leg, making sure to keep the knee straight. Leading with your heel towards the ceiling will help you activate your gluts and hip abductors. Slowly lower the leg back down. Repeat this 8-12 times for each leg.

For more information on pelvic floor exercises that can save your back, click here.

Stephanie's background is in sports medicine and athletic training. She has worked with many elite athletes at UCLA and worked over 2000 hours in the athletic training clinic. She is also a certified massage therapist and holds a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from UCSF/SFSU. Currently, she is working as a full time physical therapist at Stanford with their student and club sports outpatient population. Read more about Stephanie on the about page.

View more articles from Stephanie Adams

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Oh Hey There Arms

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Yesterday I was so stressed out I almost broke. Well, I did break a little. I bought a chocolate bar and a granola bar and ate both. It could have been worse.

Being so stressed without a way to get to the gym drove me crazy.

I couldn’t wait to get to the gym this morning for a workout.

I was up at 6 am and at the gym by 6:45. It was glorious, especially since I had the whole free weights section to myself.

I worked out my upper body and did some cardio.

After my workout when I was changing I decided to stand in front of the bathroom mirror without a shirt to examine my body. This was amazing for a couple reasons: 1) years ago I never, ever thought I would do such a thing because I was so scared of anyone seeing my body that I always hid in stalls to change 2) I didn’t notice it before but my shoulders are looking awesome.

Though my arms still have a good bit of fat hanging around (as does the rest of my body) my arm muscles are starting to really show. I hadn’t noticed how my shoulders were shaping up until this morning but they are starting to look defined. And awesome.

Hey there arms, nice to see you looking better!

I love strength training.

A rather good way to start the morning, no? I’m still stressed about wedding stuff (we are back to having no venue) and money (I’m going broke fast despite having a job) but I’m determined to make today a better day. If I could manage to get a kickboxing class – or just lots of punches – in during the day that would be great. I’ve gotta get rid of some stress in a positive way.

I’m off to have an awesome day. I hope you do too!

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Operation Wedding Sexy Update

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Hey friends!

operation wedding sexy

I missed posting this weekend but I was out living life. You know, because that’s what it’s all about. I had a work retreat, went to eat with friends, went grocery shopping… it was a pretty tame but enjoyable weekend. There was no time (or desire?) for blogging.

operation wedding sexy

I also did a lot of wedding stuff over the weekend. Made more flowers which means I’m so much closer to being done with them. Found a new wedding location that is potentially better than all the rest. Planned out some of the details and fun stuff.

But since I was busy yesterday I now really need to do a Operation Wedding Sexy update, because Kepa did one.

operation wedding sexy

Healthy lunches: I’ve finally accepted that I’m going to end up eating out more times each week than I really would prefer. With that in mind I’ve started watching portion sizes and usually just eat half of whatever I order. I usually always do this anyway, but I’m just more conscious about it and making sure I don’t go over that. I did a good job this week following this rule along with bringing healthy lunches.

Workout 3 times a week: The last few weeks I’ve only just barely made the workout 3 times a week goal. I’m right at 3, but this coming week I would really like to do more than that.

Walk 1 mile a day: This almost killed me on the weekend because I did it outside and it is HOT right now. HOT. HOT!

Drink 100+ oz water daily: This might be my easiest goal. Done and done, with some days hitting a gallon!

Therapy: Therapy this week was intense. We talked a lot about my past and abuse and stuff along those lines. It was interesting to see how my body reacted when talking about those things – I was freezing and shaking even though it wasn’t cold. I felt really good after therapy. Even though my therapist told me that it was the first time in two decades of practice that she had ever heard some of the things I told her, she thought I was strong and resilient and clearly had a spirit that would not be broken. Hearing that from someone who now knows the whole story really made me feel strong and capable. I guess going through the process of explaining my life story and how I fell into binge eating makes me also feel more normal because it’s a pretty classic case of falling into addictive behavior. Therapy is going well – it’s making me feel both normal and strong. I suppose I’m healing.

Weight: I haven’t been posting my weight because I was a bit embarrassed of gaining. But that’s what happens sometimes, especially when I am binge eating several times a week. Things I’m learning in therapy have helped me a lot and without binge eating as often I’ve lost 3 pounds in the last week, even with eating out often. I’m still not back to my comfortable 211 range, but I’m closer and with significantly more muscle (seriously). On a related note, I’m doing this Awesome by August challenge.

operation wedding sexy

Have a great day! Happy Monday!

View the original article here

You CAN Run a Marathon

I thought I was in great shape and I went out very aggressively for someone attacking 13.1 miles for the first time.  I hit the midway point in 52:31, an 8:01 pace.  Then, about eight miles into my first half marathon back in May ’10, the Cap City in Columbus, OH, I remember thinking, “I’m never going to run again.”  My tank was on empty and I knocked out the latter half of the race in 63:04, a 9:37 clip that consisted mostly of run/walking.

Out of gas with five miles to go at the Cap City Half Marathon.

Instead of being proud of my accomplishment, I drove home sad, miserable, demoralized.  I spent four months preparing for that day, and in my mind this was the only race in the world that mattered.  I crashed and burned on the course that day because I ignored some very simple advice about how to handle a long distance run for the first time.

After a day of feeling like a failure, I woke up the next morning and decided to move on with my life.  It wasn’t long before I was planning my next race, and then the next, and then the next…Fast forward to April  3, 2011, when I crossed the finish line at the 44th Annual Athens Marathon in Athens, OH in 3:47:59.

Fresh as a daisy at finish line of the Athens Marathon.

Just one year prior, the thought of running 26 miles and 385 yards was incomprehensible.  But I basically went from “Couch to Marathon” in less than a year and a half.  And so can you, as long as you program these basic tenets into your brain:

Run for a year–You’ve heard the term, “It’s a marathon, not a sprint.”  This applies not only to the race itself, but also to the training regimen.  Unless you are a freak of nature, you can’t get off the couch tomorrow and run a marathon three months from today.  Respect the process.  Your body needs to gradually build up to 26.2.  You should be sustaining 25-30 miles per week for the better part of a year before even starting a marathon program.  Otherwise, you are asking for injuries.Get professionally fitted for shoes–I can’t emphasize this enough.  The right shoes will get you on a course for success.  The wrong shoes can spell all kinds of trouble and send you right back to the couch.  Running 40-50 miles per week, as you will with any well designed marathon training program, puts an incredible amount of stress on your body.  Protect yourself.  Running shoes are more complicated than you might think.  For good info on this, check out Peter Rumford’s post“Running Shoes: Maximize Your Training with These Tips”.Learn about nutrition and hydration–In addition to logging the miles, you have to commit to taking great care of yourself BEFORE, DURING, & AFTER your workouts.  Check out this post from The Running Advisor for basic nutritional information.  You will learn what works best for you through a lot of trial and error.  Read up on what happens to your body during long, sustained runs and it will help you become a smarter, more efficient runner.Establish realistic goals–Many resources suggest that you shouldn’t have any goals for your first marathon other than to FINISH.  But chances are, if you are driven enough to attack the marathon, you have some level of competitiveness that makes it hard to accept “just finishing” as your only goal.  I like to tier my goals.  The first goal is something I fully expect to achieve, like finishing the race.  My second goal is something I am pretty sure I will achieve, barring unforeseen circumstances.  My third goal is my “if the stars are aligned” goal.  It’s okay to aim high.  But also recognize that finishing a marathon is a fantastic accomplishment without any time considerations attached to it.Respect easy training days–This was difficult for me to accept when I first started training.  I felt like i needed to exert maximum effort every time out if I wanted to make gains.  This is completely false.  Any good training plan will have a lot of easy runs built in.  These help you build on your base mileage, aide in recovery, and help you develop the slow-twitch muscle fibers required to complete a marathon.  When in doubt, slower is better, especially on your super long weekend runs (LSDs).Seek advice from more experienced runners–People in the running community are highly supportive of one another, regardless of ability level.  Find a mentor or a group of mentors.  Join a local running group if you’re the social type.  Don’t let running become a chore.  Make it part of your lifestyle and it will be so much more rewarding.Have fun–It sounds cliché, but it’s easy to lose sight of this during a training regimen.  Aside from performance goals and the feeling of accomplishment you get from completing a marathon, the primary goal should always be to have fun.  I don’t enjoy cooking.  So I’m not enrolling in culinary school to become a master chef.  If you don’t enjoy running, don’t train for a marathon.  There are other fitness options out there.

There is something special about finishing your first race at any given distance.  But the marathon is really the ultimate achievement in running.  You will learn a lot about yourself and what you are capable of accomplishing, you will become as fit as you’ve ever been, and you will cross paths with dozens of inspirational people throughout the process.  Put in the time and effort, train intelligently, and you will experience something truly special.

“You can’t fool a marathon.”–Unknown Origin

Kenon graduated from Ohio University in 2001 with a Bachelor of Sport Science. After 13 years of smoking cigarettes, he finally kicked the habit in 2008. Shortly thereafter, a new addiction emerged--distance running. After countless 5k, 10k, and half marathon races, he completed his first full marathon in Athens, OH on April 3, 2011. He is committed to a notion that fitness is not about weight loss, muscle gain, or fast race times. Fitness is a permanent lifestyle choice. Incorporate healthy behaviors into your everyday schedule and you will experience the benefits in every aspect of your life.

View more articles from Kenon Carter

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Busy Day Friday Five

Welcome to A Merry Life! If you're new please subscribe for future updates. Thanks for visiting!

Happy Friday! Monday is a holiday! Happy day!

I spent the entire morning training some clients on how to use WordPress which was fun. I wrote this post before I left but forgot to publish.  It’s been a busy day!

5 Things That Currently Make Me Smile

Wearing my favorite shirt that I bought for my first day of work.My mom talking about her future grandbabies.Thinking about our NZ wedding celebration.It’s a holiday weekend!My morning commute with my friend Christina.

5 Things I’m Doing This Weekend

Reading.Therapy session.Indian food with friends.Hardcore workouts.Shopping for wedding stuff.

5 Reasons Why My Job Is Awesome

I’m good at it. Really.The geeks I work with make me laugh (and roll my eyes).I like the web design work we do.My bosses joke with me.I think they might let me keep working for them when I move. ;) (do it! peer pressure!)

5 Memphis Restaurants I Love

Central BBQDeli MexicanaHueysLennysGus’s World Famous Fried Chicken ;)

5 Colors My Hair Has Been Dyed

RedPurpleBlack with pink tipsLight BrownDark Brown (current)

Yeah, I used to dye my hair CRAZY colors. My high school years were interesting… I’ll try to find photos.

I’m off to therapy this afternoon then a bit of work out of the office and then weekend fun.

I hope everyone has an amazing holiday weekend! Enjoy it! Spend time with your loved ones!
(And leave me a comment with one of the five with your answers!!)

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5 Cardio Workouts to Burn Fat

Everything you know about cardio is about to change. You're about to discover the truth about 5 cardio workouts to burn fat and lose more belly fat in less workout time. Let's start by looking at the old, outdated way of burning fat.

Cardio Workout #1 to burn fat: Slow cardio

The first cardio workout to burn fat is "Old School Cardio". For years, we've been fooled into thinking that we need long, slow, boring cardio workouts to burn fat. However, too many men and women slave away on the cardio machines for 40, 60 and even 90 minutes per workout without burning fat. How is this possible?

To be honest, I don't know exactly why it doesn't work, but two recent research studies found that women doing 40-60 minutes of low intensity cardio, 3-5 days per week, did not lose belly fat after at least 12 weeks of cardio. Based on those results, slow cardio is not one of the best cardio workouts to burn fat.

In fact, in one of those studies, researchers tested high-intensity cardio, and found that high-intensity cardio was able to burn fat.

Cardio Workout #2 to burn fat: High-intensity cardio

The only problem is that high-intensity cardio requires you to work as hard as you can until you burn at least 400 calories in a workout. That will take you at least 40 minutes - so while this is one of the better cardio workouts to burn fat, it's still not the best.

A better approach is to use interval training. This is the third cardio workout to burn fat.

Cardio Workout #3 to burn fat: Interval training cardio

In a study from Australia that compared 2 cardio workouts to burn fat, subjects doing 3 interval training workouts per week lost a significant amount of belly fat while another group doing 40 minutes of slow cardio per week did not burn belly fat.

So interval training is a much better workout choice for fat loss. To do interval training, you do a normal warm-up, and then you alternate between hard exercise and easy exercise, then you follow with a cool down. This routine only takes twenty minutes.

Here's a sample of the interval cardio workouts to burn fat. Do a 5 minute warm-up, and then exercise for 1 minute at a pace that is 10-20% harder than your normal cardio intensity. After that 1 minute, decrease your exercise pace all the way down to cool-down level. Repeat that hard-easy cycle 5 more times. Finish with 3 minutes of cool-down.

Cardio Workout #4 to burn fat: Tabata Interval cardio

Since interval training became popular, personal trainers have been looking for other short cardio workouts to burn fat. A study from Japan used something that is known as the "Tabata Protocol", and many trainers believe this is even better than cardio and regular intervals. The fourth cardio workout to burn fat is the Tabata Interval program.

I'm not convinced it is better than regular intervals, but it is a heck of a hard way to do a fat burning workout. After a warm-up, you 20 seconds of hard work followed by 10 seconds of recovery. Repeat that 8 times. This fat burning workout takes only 4 minutes!

Cardio Workout #5 to burn fat: Bodyweight circuit cardio

Finally, the fifth cardio workout for fat burning is bodyweight circuit training. Like intervals and the Tabata workouts, bodyweight circuit training is not really "cardio", however, these are the three better cardio workouts to burn fat.

Whatever you want to call bodyweight cardio, here's how it works.

First, you start with a quick, easy bodyweight exercise, such as Jumping Jacks.

After that, alternate between 3 lower-body and 3 upper-body bodyweight exercises, using squats, pushups, lunges, pulling exercises like rows or chinups, split squats, and total body ab exercises like mountain climbers.

Finally, finish off the 8 exercise circuit with a tough total body exercise like jumps, burpees, or running in place. Now that's fat burning cardio!

Those are 5 cardio workouts to burn fat. Only two are "traditional", but those 2 are the longest, and least effective. The shorter fat burning cardio workouts are the best way to burn belly fat fast.

Click here for a sample interval cardio fat burning program that has helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning.

The Turbulence Training fat burning workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment.

Craig Ballantyne is an expert trainer for Men's Health magazine and Oxygen magazine, and his fat burning bodyweight workouts help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Burning Fat Tips - Burning Fat Workouts and Tips You Can Start With to Effectively Burn Body Fat

Burning fat tips are so many and this article is going to mention the ones that are easy to do in order to get you started in burning that stubborn fat from your body. I order to burn body fat, you have to increase your metabolism. When your body converts food, fat and other substances into energy, the process is called metabolism. Keep reading because I am going to give you easy and most effective burning fat tips.

Burning Fat Workouts

Aerobic exercises: Most people think that in order to lose body fat, the have to go to the gym or hire a fitness trainer. While this is a good approach, you don't have to waste your money for gym membership or hiring a fitness trainer in order to lose body weight. Aerobic exercises are cost free, easy to do and very effective at burning body fat. They are also fun to do and what does this mean to you? They can motivate you and your weight loss journey can be fun. Aerobic exercises are long in duration yet low in intensity. Examples of these types of exercises include walking, biking, jogging and swimming. These exercises will increase your metabolism which will lead to burning of more body fat.

Resistance Training: These can be a cost free exercises too. You don't have to a health club membership in order to do some resistance training. You may need some equipments like dumbbells, exercise bench, ball and a barbel. resistance training helps you build more muscles. So the more muscle you build, the higher your resting metabolic rate. People with more muscles burn more fat efficiently compared to people with less muscles.

Interval Training: This is one of the best burning fat workouts to increase your metabolic rate in order to burn extra body fat fast. Interval raining is all about how many calories you burn after the exercise but not while you are exercising. This kind of workout is not something that you should rush into if you have been inactive for some time. This types of workouts are best suited for people who are physically active. If you are a beginner in working out, you may need to educate yourself on how to start doing interval training.

More Burning Fat Tips

  1. Eat smaller meals frequently to increase metabolism. If you extend the time between the meals, your body may go into a lazy starvation mode and this decreases your metabolism as a means to conserve energy and prevent starvation. When you eat smaller meals frequently, you metabolism goes up and speeds up too. This leads to your body burning more calories. For this case, eat 4-6 meals a day.

  2. Drink plenty of water  and avoid alcohol like beer.  When you are trying to lose body fat, you need to drink plenty of water. Usually 8 Ounces a day recommended by experts. Water is essential when metabolism takes place and your body will function properly if it has enough water. Remember that when you are increasing your metabolic rate by exercising you need water to keep you hydrated. Water also has no calories like other drinks such as milk. When you drink water, you are reducing your calorie intake. It is also good to drink a glass of water before you eat a meal.This is to help fill the stomach and give you a full feeling. Alcohol contains a lot of empty calories which ultimately produce nothing but fat. If you are trying to lose weight, avoid alcohol beverages like beer.

  3. Eat Breakfast: Some people don't eat breakfast at all. This is one way of jump starting your metabolic rate. The first thing you should do in the morning is to exercise first and then eat breakfast. Don't skip breakfast if you are trying to burn body fat. Remember that for your metabolism to be high all the time, you must not starve yourself.

  4. Low Calorie foods: Eat low calorie foods but always make sure you supplement yourself with a balanced diet. Do not eliminate any class of foods from your meal because every class is necessary for your health. Every class of food has low calorie foods. For example you can choose lean meats, turkey meat and beans for protein over other protein foods. Eat more foods that are rich in fibers because they are fewer in calories compared to non-fiber foods. Vegetables, Legumes, nuts and Fruits and fat loss friendly foods that can help you when you are trying to eliminate body fat. Substitute sodas with water and drink other fat free or low fat dairy products like fat free yogurt and skim milk.

In conclusion, Burning body fat is not magic science. You just need a step by step process and some action to make it happen. A proper diet and the right burning fat workouts can help you burn body fat completely, get you into shape and make you happier of yourself. For more resources on how to lose body fat, Go Here []

This burning fat tips should help you to get started in eliminating body fat. The answer to burning body fat fast, gaining muscle and even getting abs can be found at []

For you to start out with this fat burning workouts, I suggest you get a guide or educate yourself in some way before you get started. Burning body fat should be easy and simple to do if you set your goals and have a step by step guide to show you how.

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Good Start Smoothie

Welcome to A Merry Life! If you're new please subscribe for future updates. Thanks for visiting!

Here’s a general update on life things before I have to start work this morning.

I’m feeling almost 100% after my cold. I’m still a bit congested so I sound sick but I finally *feel* good. Hurray! Thank you Cold-Eeze and Walgreens cold medicine and green smoothies. ;)

I made a”green” smoothie this morning that ended up being pink, but it was a perfect start to my morning.


I didn’t have any fresh spinach which is why it ended up being pink. When I have fresh spinach I use a ton of it in my smoothies. This one had:

4 fresh strawberries1/4 cup fresh blueberries1/4 cup frozen tropical fruit mix (mango/pineapple/etc)1/4 cup fresh kale1/4 cup frozen spinach1 cup diet V8 fruit juice (been trying to get rid of this)1 scoop vanilla protein powder3 ice cubes

It was cold, fruity, and delicious – just how I want my smoothies.


I love the travel blender because I can take the smoothie right from the base of the blender and drink it on the go. I normally do this when I’m headed to work alone. It’s so convenient! (Here is a link to the personal blender I use on Amazon for those who asked because it seriously is awesome.)


I’ve figured out how to get away from my problematic family member. In the past I’ve moved out, lived with friends, etc. This time? I’m paying my family to move out. Paying someone else’s rent is worth it for my own sanity, right? Right. Sometimes you love your family but you just can’t live with them.


I’m craving magazines. I really want to read a bunch of health and fitness magazines. I used to buy and read these when I did cardio to pass the time and keep me motivated. Before I went out and bought a bunch of new ones I was wondering if anyone has any old ones they want to get rid of? I love to read Oxygen, Fitness, Shape, Clean Eating, etc. Anyone? I seem to be more obsessed with strength and muscle everyday, so any magazines on those lines would be awesome. I don’t know if people keep old magazines or not, but just wanted to check before I go buy new ones and kill some trees.


I’m so super duper crazy excited about getting married in October. Things are going well for the casual and awesome wedding we are planning (after they got a bit off track) and I can’t wait for it! The above photo is our new location and it’s so pretty! :) I’m so excited to see Kepa again too. Long distance relationships can’t hold a candle to being with the person you love.


You know sometimes in life you get that feeling that you are right on the edge of getting everything you’ve ever wanted? Like you are changing so much but becoming just who you want to be? That’s how I’ve been feeling lately. It’s a really cool feeling.


Today is going to be a great day! It’s definitely off to a good start! How about yours?

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Several Foods That Burn Fat

Do fat burning foods really exist? The answer is yes. When fat burning is the ultimate goal a diet low in carbohydrates high in lean proteins and fruit and vegetables, especially fibrous ones should be adhered to. Essential fats should be taken in the form of virgin olive oil and oily nuts such as almonds or walnuts.

Fat Burn Food

If carbohydrates cannot be avoided then they should be baked or steamed instead of fried. They should also not have the presence or oils or fats in them such as butter. Burning fat does not need one to go on a starvation diet; in fact the opposite is true. The aim is to eat a large amount of fruits and vegetables interlaced with low calorie proteins, carbohydrates and essential fats.

The best vegetables for fat burning consist of the leafy green varieties as well as red peppers, onions and tomatoes. Fibrous fruits are best found in bananas, apples, grapes, pineapples and strawberries.

Grapefruit especially due to its ability to flush out toxins and chemicals from our body. Removing toxins lowers our pH level which encourages the body to release unwanted fat.

Carbohydrates should take the form of whole grains and beans as well as oatmeal and whole-wheat pasta or breads and multi-grain cereals. Low calorie proteins are found in foods such as turkey, chicken, salmon and lean beef or mutton. Egg whites, reduced milks, yogurt and cheeses are also rated as good fat burning foods.

When put together these foods can help create a healthy eating program while burning fat and building lean muscles.


The calcium is perhaps one of the best foods responsible for fat burning, especially the dangerous belly fat. Eating three servings per day is able to provide a yield of around 60% fat loss when compared to those who do not eat it. The best sources come from dairy products such as cheese, milk and low fat yogurt. For those who are lactose intolerant calcium can be found in vegetables such as broccoli, turnip greens, collard, soymilk, tofu and also fortified orange juice.

Fat burning Herbs

Herbs can play a vital role in burning fat as it takes more calories to digest than what they actually contain. While herbs cannot on their own burn fat, they play an important role in speeding up the metabolism which removes fat.

Bitter orange in particular provides high levels of energy and fat burning properties. Regular intake can permanently increase metabolism which in turn burns calories and fats. It contains Synephrine which helps to not only suppress appetite but also stimulates the adrenal gland which in turn encourages fat removal.

More commonly known herbs that are able to promote fat burning are ginger, dandelions, cayenne and flax seed. Ginger works on fat removal as it uses body heat to burn fat.

Dandelions release an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates. While not strictly a fat burning herb dandelions prevent carbohydrates turning into fat in the body. Cayenne stimulates the metabolism and speeds up digestion. Flax seed is rich in Omega-3. Omega-3 contains essential fatty acids which keep the metabolism running at its correct speed.

Red Meats

Red meats that come from animals who feed on their natural diet of grasses are best for fat burning. Those fed on corn or grains for instance contain too much omega-6 fatty acids and too little omega-3 the result is that they will promote fat storage.

Meat from grass fed animals in comparison contains the right amount of omega-3 as well as high levels of vitamin E. This meat also contains high levels of linoleic acid. Linoleic acid is a special type of healthy fat that is known for its fat burning properties and for its ability to build lean muscle.

About the Author:

Tim Lazaro is a Fat Burning Nutrition enthusiast. Visit List of Fat Burning Foods for more expert advice on food that burn fat [], fat burning exercises, super foods, and other tips you can use right now to burn off fat and keep it off.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Operation Wedding Sexy: First Dress Fitting

Welcome to A Merry Life! If you're new please subscribe for future updates. Thanks for visiting!

This weekend has been all about wedding stuff. I had other plans actually but it ended up being all about getting wedding related stuff done. Who knew such a simple wedding could involve so much work? I guess that’s what happens when everything is DIY.

Things are rolling along with wedding planning. Right now I’m trying to decide how to handle alcohol (check out the dry wedding debate post if you want to weigh in) and my seamstress Debbie is starting my dress. Today I went by to let her take my measurements for the dress.

I also got to see my veil. Well, the beginning of my veil. It still needs work but it’s been started!

wedding veil


wedding veil

I look sexy in my veil, right? Or maybe all the sexiness is coming from my “No Time For Haters” shirt. Love that shirt. ;)

She took the measurements she needed for the dress and they were pretty much what I expected. I was so tempted to ask her to measure my arms too, but that would have been obvious. I’m obsessed with my arms lately.

I suppose my new goal is to make the next measurements smaller than the first. It’s always better to get a dress taken in than to need it let out.

I’m pretty excited about all the wedding stuff that is happening! I’m going to keep it mostly off the blog except for Operation Wedding Sexy updates. If you want more wedding talk follow my wedding blog.

Healthy lunches: Did good with this. I ate out twice: once was bad (pizza) and once was good (best fish tacos ever). All other days I brought delicious healthy lunches from home.

Workout 3 times a week: Just barely made this, but counting my workout today it happened! My workout today was great. It totally made up for the last couple I missed. Full body and cardio – left the gym exhausted, drenched in sweat, and happy.

Walk 1 mile a day: I re-started this again. A couple days I estimated the mile based on time spent walking and then yesterday I walked for hours while shopping. Hours. I wish I knew how far I actually walked when I did all that wedding shopping.

Drink 100+ oz water daily: Oh yeah. I love some water! I got in plenty every day except the day when I was sickest during the week. That day I got dehydrated because I couldn’t drink enough and it was horrible. Being dehydrated is the worst.

Therapy: I’m going to start including this as a “goal” because therapy is such a huge part of my journey right now. I had my second meeting with my therapist this week. I cried again and felt overwhelmed when trying to explain my life. I left feeling good though. She gave me a lot of good tips and practical advice to use this week for controlling the binge eating. If I can get a handle on that area of my life I will be doing really well.

Overall it was a pretty good week health/life/wedding wise. I have a feeling next week will be even better.

Happy 4th! Have a fun and safe one! :)

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

2011 Halfway Goals Update

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I’m a bit slow with dates sometimes. I tend to lose track of what day it is and am always slow to catch on to month and year changes. Basically, I just realized it was July and that means half the year is gone.

Where did it go? It seems like it’s been the fastest year ever and it keeps speeding by.
I had a lot of goals for this year and some I’ve had to let go while others I’ve already accomplished. Here’s a mid-year check in regarding my goals.



Complete a triathlon. – Completed Jan 23!!Pay off credit card debt. – Done as of this week. I paid off over $5,000 is credit card debt this year (it was hanging around from that horrible year after college when I got depressed and gained both weight and debt). I’m a very non-typical bride – I focused on paying off debt instead of spending on our wedding.Find a part time job. – I destroyed this goal with my awesome FULL TIME job!

Happening or Upcoming

Clean up my eating/quit binge eating. – I’m in therapy for the binge eating so I’m working on it. It’s an ongoing process.Learn to sew. – Not yet but I’ve got a sewing project and an opportunity to learn.Read a book a week. – I’ve lost count of books because I keep track on multiple lists in multiple places, but I’m averaging a book a week to week and a half.Run a 5k. - I’m up to a mile at a time which is great but I’ve still got a ways to go. This will definitely happen this year though!Get married and have the best wedding ever. – Our wedding has been majorly downsized yet I’m more excited about it than ever. It’s going to be simple, casual park wedding in Memphis and a second reception in New Zealand. Fun!

On Hold

Cook my way through a cookbook. – I need to find a new dairy-free cookbook to cook through since my eating habits have changed drastically since the start of the year.Ride 2011 miles on my bike. – Not having a bike while living in Memphis has made this goal next to impossible. I’m hoping to still hit the halfway mark for this goal by the end of the year.Increase A Merry Life traffic. – Remember how yesterday I was thinking I’m a blog failure? This is why. Traffic is completely static and I’ve got no time right now to increase it.

straight hari

Favorite Moments From Life in NZ 2011:

There are some things I really miss about New Zealand. I’ve been thinking about it more and more lately, especially whenever I want to go for a bike ride!

Best Parts From the first half of 2011:


What’s Happening in the second half of 2011:

More yoga & zumba & weightlifting & fitness that I love.Getting married to the love of my life!Moving back to New Zealand and finally getting our own place.

Those are the big ones. And they are big! I see only good things in my future.

How are you doing halfway through the year?

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A Better Pie: Give Your Pizza a Healthy Makeover

When the weekend rolls around, you can guess that I’ll be craving pizza. (To be honest, I crave pizza all week, but these hankerings become more pronounced on Fridays and Saturdays – the reason for this is anyone’s guess!) Unfortunately, most pizzas deal a blow to our waistlines. Delivery pies ooze with cheese and greasy toppings; frozen varieties may contain high-fructose corn syrup and trans fats. Being health-conscious doesn’t mean you have to give up pizza – on the contrary! Making your own enables you to control the variety and amount of toppings, letting you have your pie and eat it, too.

A word of advice: making your own pizza is pretty simple, but it requires more time than, say, a stir-fry, so please plan accordingly. The process can be completed in steps, which I’ve outlined below. Sauce and dough can be made in advance and stored in the fridge, so if you can, prepare these components ahead of time for fast weeknight dinners.

Personally, I prefer a tomato-based sauce – the bold flavor and high lycopene levels draw me in – but some people prefer pesto, barbeque sauce, or Alfredo. It’s worth noting that tomato sauce is lower in calories than pesto and other oilier sauces, so it’s a better option for those counting calories.

If you’re crunched for time, feel free to use prepared sauce (just watch the sodium levels). I like to make my own sauce – I simply dice an onion and several cloves of garlic and sauté them in a small amount of olive oil. After the onions have softened, I add one 15-ounce can of tomato sauce and one 15-ounce can of whole, peeled tomatoes. Then, I add spices: black pepper, oregano, parsley, fennel, salt, and a pinch of sugar. Modify your spicing as you go, but don’t overdo it – you can always add spice, but you can’t subtract it once it’s incorporated. Note: This recipe yields several pizzas’ worth of sauce; portion extra sauce into freezer-safe containers and save it for future dinners.

As with sauce, you’ve got two crust options: buy one pre-made or craft your own. I recently bought a pre-made crust and was less than impressed with the texture and flavor, but if you’re in a hurry, look for a whole-wheat crust with no trans fats.

Making pizza dough is simpler than most people think, and it requires only five ingredients: flour, water, yeast, olive oil, and salt. Here’s what you do: pour one cup of warm water into a large bowl, and dissolve one package of dry yeast in the water. (Temperature is important – the yeast won’t dissolve in cold or tepid water.) Measure 2 ½ cups of flour, one tablespoon of olive oil, and a teaspoon of salt into the bowl; mix all ingredients until dough is formed. The mixture will be sticky, but don’t worry – keep blending until an elastic dough forms. Form the dough into a ball, place it in your mixing bowl, cover the bowl with a dish towel, and let the dough rest for 10 to 15 minutes. When it’s ready, use a rolling pin (or a wine bottle covered in plastic wrap) to roll it out. Note: this recipe makes enough dough for two 11-inch pizzas. Use half now, and keep the other half in the fridge for up to a week.

Step Three: Top Away

You’ve rolled out your dough and added your sauce: now, the real fun begins. I won’t say too much about topping your pizza – after all, you know what you like – but I will offer a few suggestions. Use part-skim mozzarella instead of full-fat, and don’t go nuts with the cheese; consider using half the mozzarella you normally would and using a small amount of feta, goat cheese, or Gorgonzola – these cheeses have stronger flavors, and a little goes a long way.

Pizza can also help you meet your daily requirement for vegetable consumption. I top my pies with sliced tomatoes, mushrooms, and spinach (or pea shoots), but add whatever veggies you have in the fridge. Garlic, reputed to have antibiotic properties, also makes a great topping.

Bake your pizza for 20 minutes in a 400-degree oven, and serve with a side salad, raw veggies, or sliced fruit. Save any leftovers for a quick, healthy lunch. And enjoy: we all deserve a pizza break once in a while.

Kate Garklavs is an academic editor, amateur chef, and enthusiastic distance runner. Always a fan of physical activity, Kate played tennis and was a member of the track team during her youth; she recently regained her interest in running. In her spare time, she experiments in the kitchen, creating quick, healthy recipes for dinners and guiltless treats.

View more articles from Kate Garklavs

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Monday, July 18, 2011

Better to get things done than to be perfect.

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Prepare yourselves dear readers, for the most random post ever.


My calves, outer thighs, and butt are super sore today. They were sore yesterday too and the DOMS continues today. I honestly didn’t realize my workout on Sunday would have such consequences. But that’s what I get for missing two previous workouts. Picking up where I left off hurt!

I actually love DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). It’s a fun feeling because even though you are sore you know your body pushed hard and it’s actually in the healing process.

I didn’t lift weights yesterday and today is my light weight/high rep day. Usually it’s Sunday but I’m all off on my scheduling right now. I’m just going to go with it though. Better to get things done than try to have a perfect schedule.


That’s my new motto for everything, I think.

Better to get things done than to be perfect.


Speaking of which, I’m trying to use that motto for wedding stuff. I’m trying to just get as much done as possible right now. This week I’m finishing the paper flower bouquets. Here’s the first I did.

wedding paper flowers

Perfect? No? Do I even like them? Waffling on that. But I’m getting them done. That’s pretty much what my weekends consist of now – getting wedding stuff done.


Lunch today is as non complicated I could get it – a frozen meal.

I actually don’t like many frozen meals but I was told these were decent. I bought them during my last trip to Whole Foods. They weren’t bad at all! I liked that they were corn tortillas and mostly organic ingredients and low in sodium. All good things! It could have used some hot sauce, and obviously wasn’t as good as homemade enchiladas, but other than that I enjoyed it.


I almost deleted this blog over the weekend. Lately I’ve felt like a huge blogging and social media failure. It’s a weird feeling that is hanging over me like a dark cloud. Some days I want to disappear or start over or just let this blog die. Yet at the same time I feel committed to posting. Maybe it’s just the need to finish this journey through and see where I get with the therapy aspect, or maybe it’s just the fact that I’ve had this blog longer than any other hobby. It’s hard to let go.

If I’m sticking with that new motto I claimed earlier, then I should just keep blogging. Better to do it than to be perfect, right? This blog will never be perfect or even super duper crazy  popular. I will never be perfect. My life will never be perfect. But it’s real and it’s interesting and it’s out there. It’s happening and I love it.


Like I said, random post. Couldn’t pick just one thing to write about today so I wrote about it all. Maybe I’ll be more cohesive and focus tomorrow? Maybe. See you then!

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How to Burn Fat Over Sugar Through the Power of Core-Breathing While Working Out at the Gym

There is a key component in your working out at the gym that affects your body to choose to burn fat or sugar as you are working out. The body gets energy in two forms one is sugar and the other is fat, to be burned during your work out and how the body picks and develops that choice will be base on how you breathe during your work out. If one of the main reasons you go to the gym is to burn fat and physical endurance an understanding of the process will aid you in your goals for having clarity will refines your abilities. The body draws from to sources energy fat or sugar, that is in your body or stored in the body. Each source creates a different affect during the work out that creates an effect on your ability to work out in the form of endurance. Burning fat gives the greatest affect for endurance and emotional feeling that you just can keep moving and doing. Fat is stored energy and once you tap into the process of burning fat you just can keep moving and feeling strong. Sugar gives the body fast energy for it process fast and simple but it short on endurance ability for sugar is not stored. Understanding how the two type of energy sources the body uses to burn during work out creates choices and creativeness within the work out and less boredom during work out. Part of boredom during work out is not taping into the most affective energy source to be burned during your work out, for it creates sense of being tired and not feeling your strength. NOTE; check out your breathing pattern and feeling when your bored while you are working out and your stress in your shoulders and what is your mind thinking about.

What determines your body to burn fat or sugar is how you create your breathing pattern and how you create breath physically during your work out for more oxygen in your system actives enzymes in the big muscles of the core to burn fat. What area of the body that holds the largest group of muscle is the core area and that same area holds the largest amount of fat. The power of core/breathing for exercise to burn fat engages both the core movement that affects inhalation and exhalation so the whole core is being used through movement of the muscles. Example is how you are breathing affecting the core area is when you inhale and exhale out your mouth the core is not engaged for it works the upper body. By working the power of core/breathing the whole torso is being used thereby muscles are moving and that is toning affect on muscles so the mind has ability to connect to muscles.

What is the greatest resistance to person using the core and their breathing ability is stress in shoulders and tension in the body muscles. The greater the stress in shoulders the less connection person has to their core muscles ability to move them to affect breathing which affects person emotional connection to the body. There is direct relationship between core movement and shoulders being tight from emotional thoughts that form stress. The more person engages core muscles to start and end their inhalation and exhalation the less stress in shoulders can exist which lets person feel their strength. When the core/breathing is not done your strength is gone and when person starts to breath totally out the mouth you have lost their strength physically and emotionally weaker to direct muscle action. Lowering your shoulder stress before you even start your work out will let person become emotionally and physically engage in the work out faster with more fat burning time during the work out and boredom will not be part of the workout. Boredom is the mental disengagement of what you are doing at the gym physically.

Core/Breathing connection greatly increases the ability to bring in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. The key, during exercise, is to breathe with the core muscle area in a certain way that will reduce stress in shoulders thereby enhancing breath range ability.

Training yourself to burn fat while exercising at the gym is a choice if you have the method to execute. It starts with developing the breath and an understanding of the need to breathe before, during and after the gym to gain the most from being at the gym. Getting the body to burn fat is affected by how you create and develop your inhalation and exhalation and by using the core area to start and end the breath range. To have the maximum breath, you must breathe through the nostrils to form strongest core/breathing connection in the workout at the gym. Oxygen levels in the body determine the body choice to burn fat over sugar during physical exercises. Using the core area does three things: one it engages large muscle groups to burn the fat while working out and tones the core muscles. Second lets you have full inhalation and exhalation which affects person endurance ability. The third part is shoulders to be relaxed and less tension in muscles throughout the body so they can be used during the work out far more dynamic. To active the enzymes that burn fat in the core area the muscles have to be moved with a level of oxygen in your system. The body can always go to sugar as source for energy to move muscles but it short lived. The choice is using the whole body during your exercises to first to tone muscles then strength them.

The mistakes people do while they are working out is drinking fluids that have sugar to keep their energy up during the work out that prevents the body from learning to burn fat. The body will burn the sugar and not fat then for the body has to learn and develop its fat burning abilities. Eating protein after you work out and greens, lots of greens before and after work out with lemon mixed in water. Lemon and water mixed is a great work out drink. Keep in mind their are all types of lemons, so picking a good tasting lemon creates a more enjoyable affect. NO fruit drinks after work out they have to much sugar so fat will not continue being burned. You really do not need fruit but water and meat and greens then later on fruit. To burn fat is not about over working out but having a method with working out to burn fat and that is to create endurance and then strength under the direction of the mind to setup and manage breathing and core action within each exercise. To burn fat is about learning to engage the muscle groups that burn fat while at the gym and use them as the primary strength source in exercises.

The body will turn on a dime to burn sugar over fat once the oxygen level drops below a point that is determined by how you breathe during your workout because of not engaging the core area movement which stops the enzymes burn fat. Understanding how to use your core/breathing connection during a workout to affect your oxygen level takes time and mental realization of muscle feeling and changing the stress in shoulders. Fat and sugar are two different types of fuel for the body to burn. Sugar takes less oxygen to start its burning ability and has the affect of lowering endurance within your workout. In highly physical sports, once a person starts breathing out from the mouth, their ability to have endurance goes way down. When the body burns fat, it has more energy to keep moving for fat holds lot of energy to be burned up during workout. Fat is the source of long term energy in exercises and creating method to tap into that source of energy. Your choice is to train the body to burn fat through core/breathing action within each exercise, or to burn sugar.

What determines if the body burns fat over sugar is having the core muscles start the inhalation. It has to come through the nose otherwise your core is weaker in action and you will not bring in as much oxygen. This holds true for exhalation through the nose for it affects the core area in strength releasing the carbon dioxide out of the body so you can get a complete transfer from oxygen to carbon dioxide. How you breathe through your nostrils affects so many functions of the body it is art unto itself.

Simply put, the body needs two things to exist, one is air and the other is what you put in your mouth. How you breathe has an affect on you and what you put in your mouth has an affect on you physically and mentally. Once the body has changed these two components into energy for the body and mind, it starts to get more intricate. It can be helpful for understanding the two basic parts that keep us alive and well.

Here are some tips if you choose to burn fat while at the gym. There are three stages of the core/breathing relationship. An active connection should be developed to create the best period of time to burn off fat while at the gym. The first stage is pre-workout core/breathing action, which is done to increase the level of oxygen in the body and lessen stress in shoulders and connect to the core to form breath and strength action for they go together. Moving the core area to create breathing lets the mind connect to the source of your strength in a more dynamic way.

Here is simple rule: the more you move and use the core area as part of creating your breathing action, the less stress can exist in the shoulders and the rest of the body muscles. It's a very mechanical cause and effect and the mind directs it. Pre-workout breathing and core action training is about 20 minutes, give or take, to bring the oxygen level up and get core muscles ready for the workout at the gym. The older you are the longer pre-workout of the core breathing action helps bring about the fat burning ability of the body.

Stage two is using the breathing from the core during the work out and not using the mouth for inhalation and exhalation. What makes it different is not having stressed or tight shoulders during workout and being engaged with the core during each exercise. Here is a key idea: You should exhale lot longer than you inhale during the work out or any hard physical action. This process engages the fat burning ability of the body.

It's short inhale and long exhale and now here is the part that affects everything in performance and in life. Stress in the shoulders lessens core movement and strength. You cannot create range of movement in the core area and breath range if the shoulders are tight. That is just a fact of life. If the shoulders are holding stress by being up around your ears, your breathing range is short. The rule is this: if the shoulders are tight the breath is short and the core is weak. Changing the level of tightness in the shoulders before a workout increases breathing range during your workout and increases the ability of burning fat over sugar.

It is so important to change the stress in your shoulders before working out so you can have the best range of breath to have the best physical movement. Using the core area, and not the shoulders, while doing exercises will give the best effect. If you choose to burn fat at the gym the mind has to be engaged with what your doing so it can affect breath action and direct muscle action to create internal experiences. Reading while engaging in physical activity is not fat burning; it is breathing and changing stress in the shoulders and relaxing. Reading is good, and it has it's place, but reading while working out does not allow your mind to fully engage in the muscle action.

Stage three POST-WORK OUT BREATH DEVELOPMENT: If you want fat to be burned after a workout, controlling your breathing and creating the full inhalation and exhalation with the core and nostrils is essential. Keeping the oxygen level up so the body can burn fat through continued deep movement of the core/breath connection is a must. But make the choice with understanding. The goal here is keeping the oxygen level up and the shoulder stress down so you can continue burning fat. Not speaking right after a workout and focusing on long exhales by pulling in the belly button and full inhales makes for a much more dynamic workout if the goal is to burn fat.

This program takes an energy point of view (breath development within movement of the core) about burning fat. To have a full range of choices one has to look also at the mental and the physical view points to cover the full range of possibilities for burning fat and enjoying the workout at your gym. This program is directly connected with ideas about how energy works through the core/breath connection, and in conjunction with the mind/body connection while working out at the gym.

Go to for walking ideas for core/breath understanding and doing.

After almost 30 years of learning a Korean form of Qi Gong and finding ways to incorporate the training in everyday life the benefits of the underlining ideas behind its breathing action an core usage and movement of the hands and feet in conjunction with the head. Its about the core/breath connection I have put together and if you go the web site "" you can get more information about how basic things from the core action can affect so much in movement of the body.

I have Westernized its understanding in mechanically thinking way. The walking part is about changing ones stress in shoulders and reshaping the body while one is walking to influence how one feels about life and their emotional reality. I develop this out of teaching at drug rehab center in San Diego called CRASH. The program comes from having 30 to 50 guys in one room in different stages of recovery every Monday for 6 years. I have saying "Change your stress you change your emotional reality". If you can not change your stress you can not change your emotions. Stress is real (on energy level) and it starts in the shoulders and it also make the core weak. This is ONLY energy point of view and has to be also in conjunction with mental and physical points of view to create the most affective ideas and ability for the person to enjoy what they are doing in life and be the most positive person they can be.

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summer Salads Simplified

Salads are the perfect summer meal. Quick to prepare and endlessly versatile, the tossed salad can be as complex or simple as you prefer. If you’re like me, however, you may find yourself stuck in a salad rut — a condition that can discourage even the staunchest salad advocate and cause dietary deviations. If you find yourself sighing as you tuck into your trusty spinach-cranberry-chicken concoction, don’t despair: I’ve created an A to Z ingredients list that will enliven the sorriest salad and keep your diet on track. Each entry is listed as a green, a protein, a topping, or a condiment; to create the perfect salad, choose one or two greens, one protein, two condiments, and as many toppings as you’d like.

A: Arugula: Peppery in flavor, arugula is best mixed with another, milder green. (Green)
B: Beets:Deep purple or bright gold, roasted beets have a rich flavor and are high in Folate. (Topping)
C: Cabbage: Often overlooked by Americans, cabbage has anti-inflammatory properties and high levels of Vitamin C. (Green)
D: Daikon radish: Peppery and crisp, thinly sliced daikon radishes add punch to any salad. (Topping)
E: Extra-virgin olive oil: The base of any good dressing, EVOO is high in healthy fats. Use in moderation! (Condiment)
F: Farro: An ancient grain, Farro adds crunch and substance to a salad — use ¼ cup cooked in place of croutons. (Topping)
G: Baked garbanzo beans lend crunch, protein, and flavor to any salad. A serving is ½ cup. (Protein)
H: Habanero peppers: Chop habaneros finely and whisk into any dressing; alternately, top your salad with diced peppers. (Topping)
I: Iceberg lettuce: This green, which is low in nutrients and light on flavor, should be avoided at all costs. Show a little creativity, people!
J: Jicama:With a water content of almost 90% and loads of fiber, cubed jicama will help you feel fuller longer. (Topping)
K: Kale (raw): Most people satuee kale or bake it (creating kale chips), but raw kale can be just as enjoyable. Considered by some to be the most nutritious vegetable in the world, kale has anti-inflammatory properties and high levels of beta carotene, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, lutein, and calcium. (Green)
L: Lavender salt: No dressing is complete without at least a little sodium; lavender salt’s complex flavor allows you to use less without sacrificing flavor. (Condiment)
M: Mesclun greens:“Mesclun” is a term that refers to a combination of young greens; this mixture will keep your palate satisfied and deliver the phytonutrients lacking in other salad bases. (Green)
N: Nuts: A one-ounce serving of your favorite (unsalted) nut will provide heart-healthy fats and a good amount of protein. (Protein)
O: Olives: With their salty taste, a few chopped olives can stand in for a ladleful of dressing. (Topping)
P: Parsley: Add a handful of fresh leaves to your base of greens for a bright, tangy flavor. Enjoy some after your meal to freshen your breath naturally. (Green)
Q: Quinoa:If you haven’t jumped on the quinoa bandwagon, do so now! This nutritional powerhouse has 14 grams of protein per serving and is high in fiber, magnesium, and iron. (Protein)
R: Raisins: Just ¼ cup will add sweetness and chew to your salad. Raisins are high in sugar, so don’t go overboard. (Topping)
S: Spinach: Second only to kale in nutritional value, spinach provides iron and loads of antioxidants. (Green)
T: Tuna: Buy white albacore (in water), drain, and flake onto a salad for a fast, tasty, quick-to-prepare protein. (Protein)
U: Uglifruit: Low on Vitamin C? Add peeled uglifruit segments to your salad! Use in place of orange or grapefruit. (Topping)
V: Venison sausage: Venison is lower in calories (and generally leaner) than beef. (Protein)
W: White beans: Also called Cannelini beans, these beans have a mild flavor and can be used in place of pintos or black beans. (Protein)
X: I got nothing!
Y: Yams:Did you know that yams protect against osteoporosis and heart disease? No? Go out and get some! Microwave a small yam for 7 – 10 minutes, cut into chunks, and top your salad. (Toppings)
Z: Zuchinni: Fresh, steamed, or marinated and grilled, zucchini is one of summer’s most abundant vegetables. Low in calories and high in folate, zucchini is one of summer’s most affordable salad fixings. Dig in: your heart and your wallet will thank you!

Kate Garklavs is an academic editor, amateur chef, and enthusiastic distance runner. Always a fan of physical activity, Kate played tennis and was a member of the track team during her youth; she recently regained her interest in running. In her spare time, she experiments in the kitchen, creating quick, healthy recipes for dinners and guiltless treats.

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