Saturday, September 24, 2011

Simple Ways To Healthy Weight Loss

In today's world there is so much content on losing weight that it's become very confusing, and hard to follow. But it's actually pretty easy to lose weight when you follow the simple ways to healthy weight loss.

Before you start any diet you need to be in the right mindset. When you don't feel good about yourself, or have low self-esteem, you will not choose healthy foods. Do not think that by going on a diet, it will make you feel better about yourself, because it won't. The best way to choose to eat healthy is if you have a positive attitude about yourself.

1. Start with eating foods that are natural to the body. When you eat food that has a lot of nutrients, your body knows how much, and when to stop eating. When you have the right nutrients you can be at your best weight, and have lots of energy also. When you eat processed, and empty calorie food you will make the body feel hungry more often, because it's trying to get the proper nutrition that it's craving.

2. The best weight loss suppliment on the planet is water, drink it. A lot of people on a diet can't tell the difference between being hungry or thirsty for water. Most people eat when they should be drinking water. Water usually takes care of the feelings of hunger. Water also helps in the food digestion, and drink a glass before your meal, to help fill you up.

3. Always make sure and chew your food nice and slowly. Chewing your food slowly will help the body get the most nutrition out of the food. Getting the most nutrition satisfies the body so you eat less. Another benefit of chewing the food slowly is it helps the body's digestion process.

4. Always eat frequent, and small meals during the day, because the larger the meal is, the harder your body has to work to digest it. Plus if you wait a longer period of time, before the next meal, you will be so hungry that you will eat more than you need to.

5. People are over weight most of the time, because of no physical exercise. Start roller skating, swimming or just walking the dog to get some kind of exercise in your life. Try to make the activity something you like doing, so you will want to do it more often. If you choose an activity just because it burns more calories, chances are you will not stick with that activity.

Try some of these ways for healthy weight loss, you will be amazed at the difference it makes in your life, and the people around you. This will certainly make you feel better about yourself!


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Friday, September 16, 2011

Exercise Your Way To Looking And Feeling Great

Seven good reasons why should you start your exercise program right now? Get your life on track through fitness and health.

1. Exercise promotes fat loss Scientific research has proven that physical exercise is a major factor in weight loss as any exercise burns calories. Anyone will lose weight if they burn more calories than they consume. It's really quite simple - the more you exercise, and the more vigourous the exercise the more fat you'll lose.

2. Exercise helps prevent disease Many of the diseases that are now reaching epidemic proportions in the Western world are lifestyle diseases resulting from poor eating habits and a lack of exercise. A significant proportion of the deaths caused by heart disease and cancer are linked to factors including over eating, a lack of exercise and stress. Diabetes is another disease which increases the chance of heart attacks and strokes.

So start your exercise program today to reduce your chance of developing any of these diseases.

3. Exercise improves healing of disease and injuries Many diseases can be prevented or even healed through regular exercise. By following a regular exercise program, you can increase HDL (good) and reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, decrease triglyceride, a form of fat, and also decrease your blood pressure.

Regular exercise may also reduce the risk of prostate cancer for men and breast and uterine cancer for women.

4. Exercise uplifts your state of mind Scientific studies have shown that exercise results in a release of endorphins in the body. These are "feel good" chemicals that help fight depression. Even a short 10 minute workout can make you feel better - sweat out your depression.

Serotonin is another chemical known to with a physical workout. The increased levels of serotonin in the central nervous system is associated with feelings of well being and decreased mental depression. This chemical can also make you sleep better at night.

5. Exercise boosts your wellness When you are in great shape and fit, you'll have more energy and you'll notice that your overall mood (and the people around you!) is improved. You'll be able to take on more, stretch your own limits and do more than you ever thought possible.

6. Exercise builds persistence Exercise goals are very specific and objective and can be of great benefit as they provide something to focus on and achieve. Your achievements in exercise are objective and individual. It can be tough, but when you achieve them the achievement is all yours. No one can do your exercise for you.

7. Exercise improves your social capabilities Working out on a regular basis will make you look better and you'll be more comfortable in yourself. You'll boost your self esteem and by being more active you'll have more chances to meet new people. Being fit can also increase your interest in sex, and help you improve your relationship or marriage.

I'm sure you'll agree that all of the above are great reasons to exercise. So don't hesitate, get out there and start today. You can exercise at home or go out and join a gym, dance class or pole dancing club. There are so many different ways that you can get exercise, select one that really appeals to you.

Make time every day for your exercise routine - you'll feel great and your body (and everyone else around you!) will thank you.


Weight loss and fitness go hand in hand to improve your quality of life. Patrick Millerd, a lifelong fitness junky, would like to help you find your weight loss solution so you feel better and can do more at .


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Easy Ways To Speed Your Metabolism

Are you having problems losing weight, even after you have changed up your diet? Your exercising like crazy but you have still yet seen any results. Does these statements and more pop up in your head as you continuously try and try to drop some poundage? I understand and I know exactly how you feel. One thing that most people forget about when they are trying to lose weight is their metabolism.

The best definition I can give you for the word metabolism is it is a measure of the amount of calories your body burns each and everyday. It is impacted by what you eat, how you exercise, and some of the lifestyle choices you make. A good example of this a let's suppose you are trying to lose weight, so you decide to stop eating very often. What happens is your body goes into starvation mode and will actually sow down the burning cycle. This will result in you to stop losing weight and maybe even start gaining again.

The more you do this the more your body will slow down from burning fat. This will cause you to start getting bigger around the wasteline. To try and help you speed up your metabolism I have included 10 tips you need to include in your weekly activities. That way you can start burning the calories you need to achieve the results your looking for. Let's get started now.

1) Never starve yourself. When you starve yourself you can actually start losing muscle instead of fat. Your body will begin burning off water weight and will leave you looking just as flabby as you were.

2) Do Not skip breakfast. Breakfast is one of the most important meals you can put into your body. When you start off the morning with some lean protein, some fruit, and something decent to drink, you will kick start your metabolism for the morning.

3) Try eating most of the day. Your day should consist of at least 6 to 8 meals everyday. They should include fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. One of the best ideas to do is take a couple of hours one day a week and prepare all your meals for that week or the week ahead.

4) Follow the lean protein ratio. Eat about 1.14 grams of lean protein per pound of lean body mass. Not sure what your lean body weight is, then just remember to eat your body weight. One gram of protein per pound of weight. Try to stick to the lean mass ratio because it will help with the weight loss a lot better.

5)Eat Good Fats. Include in your meals olive oil, flax, nuts, and fish. Make sure to include almonds to replace the carbs that aren't any good. They will fill you up faster and will help with burning fat.

6) Do strength training. Include exercises that will allow you to complete eight sets without struggling to bad. Add in some interval training to boost your metabolism tremendously.

7) Don't neglect your hormone levels. Eat foods that wil help you control energy levels, sugar levels, and insulin levels. This is very important and is often overlooked.

8) No alcholic beverages. Alcohol prevents fat loss. Also, beware men, alcohol can reduce testosterone levels.

9) Rest and Recovery. Rest is alos an overlooked part of weight loss. Most people don't pay attention to the fact that they need at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep daily.

10) Water and green tea are essential. Though these may not help increase your metabolism, I do beleive that they will help keep you from slowing it down.

Metabolism is a key component to how much weight one person can lose. If you will try and follow these ten simple steps above you will see better results than you have been getting. Once you fix your metabolic problem, weight loss will become much simplier.


If you are looking to get ripped fast then check out the Turbulence Training Review located at

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Beginners Jogging

Anybody trying to lose weight should engage in some kind of aerobic exercise in to boost their metabolism in order to burn calories faster. A brisk walk will do, but some people are more comfortable with jogging or running and feel it works better for them.

Making the choice to jog during weight loss will not only help you lose weight but will also help you get into the routine of exercising, a move that will help you keep the weight off when you have reached your goal weight. The ideal exercise for weight loss is a combination of aerobic and resistance exercise - for example, jogging combined with some weight lifting routines.

Getting into the habit of jogging is not a difficult one for most people, but if you have never been one to exercise, it may come as a shock at first. It's better not to jump right into a long jogging workout but rather to begin gently and work your way up to where you want to be. Do not rush the amount of time you spend jogging, but let your body guide you and let you know when you are ready. If you allow your body to be your guide, it will be much easier to work into a jogging routine without all of the discomfort.

In order to achieve the ultimate weight loss, you want to make jogging part of your routine but not the only exercise you perform. Although it is aerobic exercise that burns calories, resistance exercise helps you build lean muscle mass which burns fat faster. Therefore the ideal routine is a combination of aerobic and resistance exercises. Of course, if you can't do the resistance routines for health reasons, then certainly you can obtain the benefits from jogging but you may find it takes longer to accomplish. However, any kind of exercise you can perform will certainly help you lose weight and keep it off after you have reached your goal weight. You have to remember you will need to keep it up in order to maintain your weight loss. You cannot stop once you have reached your goal weight and expect to maintain the results.

Do not overdo your jogging in an attempt to lose weight faster. Although you may accomplish that goal, it will be at the cost of your health. Working your muscles too hard even in jogging can cause your muscles and cartilage to become damaged thus preventing you from doing many activities including jogging.

Although you want to jog in places that are well populated you also want to stay away from traffic. Do not choose high traffic roads to jog even if you are on the side of the road facing traffic. There is always the possibility that a vehicle will come off the road and hit you, or maybe just pull off the road with mechanical problems and fail to see you. If you choose roads that have a high traffic volume, choose one that has a sidewalk or a shoulder that is far enough off the main road for you to be safe.

In addition to the potential for being hit jogging in a high traffic area, is the possibility of being mugged or even kidnapped as you jog alongside the road. You can avoid these possibilities by being on the sidewalk or far enough away from the highway that someone would have to stop actually stop their car and get out in order to pull you into the car. Safety is a very important issue for joggers and one that you should not take lightly. Jogging is a healthy activity for the body but you also have to make sure you perform it with your personal safety in mind.

One of the best ways to make certain you are in a well-lit area that is well populated is in a business area. Keep in mind that not all business sections will follow this pattern, so you still have to be careful where you go. For example, factories and warehouses are not the safest places to be because even though people may be working, they are usually secluded and unable to see what is going on outside. The best places are around stores where customers come and go at all times, rather than restaurants or movie theaters where customers are generally indoors rather than outside.

The key to making jogging a healthy activity is to make certain you are aware of the surroundings where you jog and to be attentive to your surroundings. Don't become a target by being too preoccupied with your own thoughts or music. Although it may help pass the time while you are jogging it also puts your safety in danger and makes you vulnerable to a surprise attack by someone you neither saw nor heard.


For information on jogging or running for weight loss, go to

Friday, September 2, 2011

Frequently Asked Questions About P90X And The Answers

Did you hear about p90x and are curious to know if it will be a workout program that is effective for you? Then you have to be aware of the most FAQs and the answer for them.

Knowing these questions and the answers will give you more essential information about this program, so you can make a decision about whether to use it or not and be confident with your decision. The following are the questions that are the most vital to know the answers to.

1. Can p90x really help you lose weight and also burn fat?

Yes, this program will help anyone burn fat and this will allow you to lose weight. You just have to be prepared to use the program to the end, or you will not be able to achieve either of these goals.

This is an intense program that will always get results, if you are smart and use it through completely. Within a short amount of time, you will start seeing results from fat loss and weight loss.

2. How will this program help you burn fat fast?

P90X uses a technique that is known as muscle confusion, which will let anyone develop muscles quickly and this means that you will be burning fat as you build the muscles. There are 13 different workouts that are designed to target all areas of your body and get each one into better shape.

So, you will be able to lose fat that is unhealthy on your body. This will lead to you have a body that is in much better shape than it ever has been.

3. What exactly is muscle confusion?

One thing that you need to know is that when you are exercising your body muscles, they will quickly become accustomed to the exercises that you do. This will lead to the routine becoming ineffective for getting into shape.

With p90x, the exercise routines that you do will target each area of your body, but each day you will be working different areas. This will prevent your muscles from getting used to the routine, so that each time you use a particular routine, it will always be effective.

4. Do you have to already be athletic to use this program?

Anyone can use this program effectively, even if you are not athletic. It is a little simpler for athletic people since their bodies are in semi good shape already.

The people that are not athletic will definitely get positive results from using p90x, but you need to be prepared for it to be a more difficult for you, since it is designed to be an intense workout.

5. How much time will you need to dedicate to using this program?

Each day will require around 45 minutes to an hour and a half for doing the required exercises. The program itself is designed to be a 90 day workout to get your results quickly.

Now that you know these FAQs and the answers for them, you will be able to make a much better decision for yourself about whether this is the right solution for you to use to get into shape. You are the only one that can make this decision, so be sure you make your choice carefully.


If you enjoyed this article by Jeff Schuman please visit our p90x reviews website today. You will find useful information to help you learn the answer to the question, does p90x work? You will also find out how to get the best p90x results possible for anyone that uses this program to get into good shape.