Friday, October 28, 2011

6 Easy Steps To Lose Weight Fast

Being overweight increases your overall health risks. So making weight loss a part of your complete health plan will help avoid those risks and prevent many lifestyle diseases.

If your plans are reasonable and sensible from the beginning you will increase your chance of achieving your goals. So what should be your long-term goal? And what milestones should you set to show your progress and help you get there?

The following are some simple steps that you can use to set out your goals in your weight loss plan.

1. Get real

Most people's weight loss plans are far too optimistic with both how much weight they are planning to lose and the time in which they plan do it. Set a meaningful goal and milestones based on where you are now, the amount of work and dedication you are prepared to put in and what you want to achieve.

A reasonable target is based on your body mass index (BMI). BMI is a fairly reliable indicator of body fatness for an average person and measures whether you are a healthy weight in relation to your height. With a BMI of less than 18.5 you would be considered underweight, between 19 and 24.9 a healthy weight, between 25 and 29.9 overweight and above 30 is considered obese. However BMI's do vary by race, age and sex and body composition. For an example a muscular person may have a high BMI but very low body fat and be extremely fit!

Confirm that your plan is reasonable with a dietician or other qualified practitioner.

2. Set clear objectives

Write down on a piece of paper exactly why you want to lose weight. Having a weight loss plan just for vanity and appearance sake will be far less meaningful than losing weight to improve your health. But it's a good start. Making a plan is the first step in your overall weight loss exercise. It will start you on the road to being more healthy and having more energy to enjoy doing more in your life.

3. Progress slowly

Short-term weight loss goals should not be unreasonable "pies-in-the-sky." If you haven't exercised for a long time start slowly and gently. Walk before you run.

3. Focus on doing, not losing

Rather worrying how much weight you are going to lose in a week, plan how much exercise you're going to do. Be aware that the amount of weight you lose in the short term is out of your control, but the amount you exercise you do is completely up to you.

5. Reward yourself for progress

You will save yourself up to fail if you have an all-or-nothing attitude. Assess your efforts fairly and objectively. Be kind to yourself; if you don't achieve some of your goals, just look ahead. You do not need a perfect record to succeed.

6. Use measurable objectives

Write down measurable objectives and record your progress against them. Your plan should not be based on hope but focussed and action driven. By including exercise into your weight loss plan you will have some good measures of success. You will be able to plan and measure things like the minutes of exercise or calories burned in order to see your progress.

Remember that a plan without action is useless. Making a plan and achieving even the small, short term goals will motivate your progressive and successful long term weight-loss.


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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Diets For People With Fatty Liver - 4 Keys For Creating The Perfect Fatty Liver Diet Plan

Diets for people with fatty liver are not only healthy for the liver, but also for the rest of the body. In fact, a good fatty liver diet is not much different than a good, healthy diet for the average person. However, it's important to know what you're up against because making a few minor changes in the foods you eat can make a huge, long-term difference in maintaining proper liver function.

Fatty liver (sometimes referred to as fatty liver disease or FLD) simply refers to an overabundance of fat, specifically triglycerides, in the liver. The end result of fat accumulation is a liver that is much larger and heavier than that of a healthy individual.

You might also hear the term, "steatosis", tossed around when researching this condition. Steatosis simply refers to the process by which the fat accumulates in and around liver cells (hepatocytes). It is also used to describe the first of four stages of FLD that range from steatosis to steatohepatitis (fatty liver coupled with inflammation).

Early stages of FLD are often benign and asymptomatic. However, if the condition is left undiscovered and uncontrolled, then it can become life threatening in the form of cirrhosis or liver cancer.

Definitive confirmation of the presence of FLD can only be done through a liver biopsy procedure. The condition is closely tied to obesity and, in the case of AFL (alcoholic fatty liver), excessive alcohol consumption, which is why proper diet and exercise are critical to improving and reversing the disease.

A good diet plan for fatty liver often focuses on 4 central ideas: high fiber and complex carbohydrates, control and monitor calories, reduce fat intake, and go heavy on fruits and vegetables.

Pasta, brown rice, and other foods rich in complex carbohydrates are generally recommended to make up the main energy source for people with excessive fat in the liver. Approximately 60-70% of the diet should come from complex carbohydrates and foods high in fiber.

These foods help provide your body with a useable energy source so it doesn't have to resort to breaking down fats that can accumulate in the liver. They also aid digestion which helps remove excess fat.

By reducing calories, you can reduce weight. This in turn helps take some of the stress off your liver. A 1200 to 1500 calorie meal plan should be a good diet for reducing a fatty liver, so long as the proper foods are consumed.

The most important part of a good diet plan for FLD is reducing your overall fat intake. Shoot for gradual weight loss and keep fat from ending up in your liver by shooting for a diet low in saturated fats. Fat should not make up more than 30% of your daily caloric intake.

Lastly, remember when your mom used to tell you to eat all your fruits and vegetables? Now is the time to start listening to her if you haven't already. A fatty liver disease diet should be rich in fruits and vegetables, particularly those containing large amounts of vitamin C (citrus fruits) and folate.


Next, now is the time to formulate the best diet plan for reducing a fatty liver:

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Comparing Weight Loss Plans? Find Out What Really Works

You have many options when it comes to starting a new weight loss plan. But with that being said, it is very important that you find the correct plan that will work for you. Weight loss plans fail for many different reasons. None are guaranteed to work for you, even if they have worked for other people in the past. Weight loss plans vary widely, so consider these variables when choosing the weight loss plan that's right for you.

Forget About Listening to Celebrities

The airwaves are full of self-help experts and weight loss gurus, promoting a variety of weight loss schemes. We've all heard celebrities sing the praises of some diet or another. But the truth is: You will not lose weight just because some celebrity recommends a new plans or program. You will drop the weight when you change how you live. No little magic pill or easy wonder drug will change that reality. Scams will not work for you. Real weight loss always involves the same two things, exercise and diet. These lifestyle changes will result in real and permanent weight loss and that has been proven time after time.

Forget About Avoiding Some Certain Food Groups

Some plans call for the elimination of an entire food group such as carbs. You may lose some weight by doing this, but you will be putting your health at risk, and you will almost certainly gain the weight back as soon as you complete the diet. Serious diet plans will always call for you to reduce the amount of food you eat at meals and they will suggest that you eat smaller lighter meals more frequently in order to boost your metabolism.

Plan to Exercise

You don't really have to join a gym or take up body building to lose the weight, although getting a gym membership definately wouldn't hurt you either! What you really must do is increase your daily exercise. Just do more in the future than you do now, and do that routinely. Walk. Walk to work, if possible. Walk to the store, if possible. Walk anytime that you can. Driving is not exercise, but when you drive, park on the far end of the lot and walk across the parking lot. Walking across parking lots may not seem like much, but adding small things like this into your daily routine will help your weight loss plan.


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Thursday, October 13, 2011

How To Drop Some Weight

Because of so many weight loss programs and gym packages ensuring shedding unwanted weight, someone can easily get puzzled. Still, by getting to know some uncomplicated methods to cut calories, you can lose some extra pounds efficiently. In this manner you only need to make changes in your lifestyle by changing your old practices with a few new practices. Let us look at the effective approaches which will teach you the best way to cut calories steadily.

You must have discovered many verbal tips about losing weight from friends and family when you exhibit your weight issues to them. Some advise you to stop eating oily food, some say "quit consuming junk", some say drink plenty of water, and the list just goes on.

But most of these don't seem to help even if you try your best to follow them. This is because you are perhaps not trying hard enough to see the outcomes or you are not doing it correctly. You can actually always drop some weight by natural means and fast without trying out a crash eating routine.

Among the finest remedies when aiming for the perfect figure is to use a natural diet plan suppressant, such as Caralluma. This kind of solution works by lowering your hunger, making sure that you will not continually feel the need to eat. As a result, you will look better and better progressively.

In addition, one more efficient strategy to reduce calories is by exercising. You could either join a health and fitness center, or devise your own individual training workout to drop some weight. Include exercises which burn calories more rapidly; some of the best exercises to lose fat fast are swimming, skipping with a jump rope and exercise on an elliptical machine. Develop your own cardio workout strategy, and use some weight training exercises to tone specific muscles.

Plus, making use of Caralluma Fimbriata and adding a healthy way of life will definitely end up in the best final results. This also means consuming more vegetables and fruits so that your body gets the needed amount of nutritional vitamins and energy.

Overall, there are many solutions that can swiftly result in some developments in your figure (Caralluma Actives, diets, sport and so on), so there is no need for you to be anxious. These were some of the useful information on ways to cut calories. It might not be possible to follow all the above tips, but try to stick as much possible to healthy consuming and exercising practices, and you will be able to minimize the unwanted calories quickly.


You can read more about Caralluma at: .

Thursday, October 6, 2011

How To Lose Pounds When You're Obese

In a world where food supply is not guaranteed plentiful all the time, our body has adapted in such a way that we have the capacity to keep extra energy reserves efficiently in times of food abundance, and to use these reserves in instances of famine. I am referring to no other than the fat cells or adipose cells, which are randomly distributed all through our body. The function of fat is important for human survival. In infants, for example, it has been cited that the pads of fat in the child's cheeks can allow the baby to survive for several days with no food.

While survival may be one good reason to get these fat cells to work; the same fat cells can also put the body at risk for many diseases. In the presence of dietary abundance coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, and guided importantly with hereditary endowment, fat cells can produce adverse health consequences which start off with a problem known as obesity.

Obesity is a state of too much adipose tissue mass. That occurs due to increased energy consumption, minimum energy expenditure, or both. Energy intake to the body that is not used up is kept in fat tissues in the form of triglycerides. The most broadly used method to gauge obesity is the body mass index (BMI). To determine your Body Mass Index, simply divide your weight in kilograms over the square of your height in meters (BMI= kg/meter²). The classification being founded on BMI is shown below.

Classification BMI (kg/m²)

Underweight less than 19

Normal weight 19-25

Overweight 26-30

Obese more than 30

Though a BMI of 26-30 places one in an overweight classification only, that is often seen as medically significant and deserving of therapeutic intervention, most especially in the presence of other risk elements like high blood pressure and glucose intolerance. All the more, A BMI of more than 30 unquestionably warrants fast attention.

It is now an established fact that as individuals get much more obese, their regular energy output increases. An obese man or woman need to therefore eat more than the regular lean person to maintain their increased weight. Therefore, the first step an obese person need to take into account if he wishes to be extra-fat free is to get rid of weight.

Below is a guide to knowing how much an obese person must lose from his weight and how to get rid of them.

Step 1. Know your best body weight.

For female: 100 lbs (5 lbs per inch over 5 feet)

For male : 106 lbs (6 lbs per inch over 5 feet)

Step 2. Know your day-to-day caloric requirement.There is a formula to compute it.

Step 3. Reduce your energy consumption.

Try losing 1 pound (0.45 kg) body weight by under-eating 3,500 calories over the course of the week. This may imply cutting your daily caloric consumption by 500 calories per day, since it is impossible for anybody to shed 3,500 calories in one day. Besides, nutritionists advise avoiding abrupt weight loss that can be deleterious to your health.

Step 4. Increase your energy expenditure

You need to increase your energy output at the same time, by adding in more exercise. In this way, you'll find it easier to shed pounds. For example, if you are aiming to get rid of 1 lb over a week (500 calories/day), maybe each day you can try consuming 250 calories less and engage yourself on a half-hour cardio exercise that can burn up an additional 250 calories. However, because a lot of obese individuals have cardiovascular risk factors, exercise ought to be introduced little by little and under medical supervision.

* The ideal body weight that you obtained in Step 1 can serve as your guide. In making an attempt to lose excess weight, you may not necessarily attain your perfect body weight, for as long as your new BMI will now fall between 19-25 kg/m², which is the normal BMI.

Though obesity is a persistent medical problem, there are reasons to believe that it can be treated. Of course, the treatment and the whole course of action of reversing this condition is not simple at all, but with the person's determination, self-discipline, patience, and challenging work, there is no reason that it cannot be done.


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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Can I Lose Fat Without Dieting

What every dieter wants to know is how they can lose weight without exercising. In today's fast-paced world everyone is looking for quick and easy solutions to their daily difficulties. The majority of dieters want two things: First, they don't want to diet. Second, they don't want to have to exercise. In other words, just give me something so that I can lose weight.

The HCG diet is a low calorie homeopathic weight loss program is based on the HCG protocol. All you have to do is eat the right foods outlined in the plan with the HCG drops that burn the stored fat.

The original HCG protocol was created in the 1950s by Dr. Albert Simeons. While Dr. Simeons tediously studied a vast array of foods while formulating the HCG protocol, he recommended that the foods listed on the protocol offered the best results while on the HCG diet. Currently, there are a lot of HCG companies out there, but only a handful of them follow Dr. Simeons original HCG protocol.

The program is divided into two phases. The first phase is the weight loss phase. This is where everyone starts. You simply follow the plan until you reach your desired weight goal. When you reach your desired weight, you enter the maintenance phase to maintain your weight. Using this methodology you are able to lose weight and keep it off.

While it is possible to lose weight without exercising, you can speed up the process and reach your desired weight goals faster by exercising. This doesn't mean that you need to join a gym or run around the block. Simply walking for a few minutes a week is a good start. The main thing is that you will be on your way to finally being able to lose weight.


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