Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How You Can Cheat Your Way Into Improving Your Looks

This essay gives you some options when it comes to improving your looks. In addition there are tips that take into consideration the struggles that you may have in terms of losing weight. You will find that the rules that have been put forward are perfectly sensible.

Dieting without the hassle

It is possible to cheat your way into that thin body. Joel Marion has been at the heart of preparing this program. The costs are a maximum of ninety seven dollars. In any case the package is generally cheaper than its rivals on the market. You get an opportunity to claim your payment if the product is not up to your standards. In most cases the product will be able to meet all your requirements. These are some of the benefits associated with the program:

1. A modern methodology for sending the information: A digital download provides the kind of convenience which sharply contrasts with dieting tips that are given in an expensive book. Instead you get simple options for accessing the information that is included within the program listing. Carbohydrate recycling there is no surplus of calories to create problems for you at a later stage. Cheat Your Way Thin tends to deliver quick responses.

2. Detailed guides: The guide is composed of fifty three pages full of useful tips. Scientific research is used to test the theories which underpin the system. Seven minutes of confessions form one of the most interesting perspectives on the program.

3. Multiple layers in the dieting process: With this program you get to choose the methods that are most conducive for you. In that sense you can create your own impact on the system. The priming phase is supposed to help you get ready for change. A core phase determines the direction under which you are going to operate.

4. Targets that are within your reach: Cheating your way into thinness is based on a realistic assessment of your current circumstances. The target weight is not set in an arbitrary manner. That is why there are different versions within the program. In particular the book encourages you to take gradual but effective steps towards your goals. The program is suitable for all ages. Practicability will give you the impetus that you need to understand the operation of the program.

Cheating your way into thinness is a program developed to assist members of the public. The program improves the methodologies that people use to keep in good shape. Furthermore it works on the principles which make it a winner in most instances. The critical points give readers the confidence to try out some of the systems. In doing this the program is transforming lives.


For further details do some research on the project that deals with Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle review. You will notice that it is easy to related to the routines which are proposed:

Thursday, November 3, 2011

3 Key Points To Losing Weight For Good

Don't like the way you look? Want to lose some flab? Tired of the diet cycle of crash diets, quick weight loss and gradual return to your previous weight? If so, forget about going on a diet and instead make these three lifestyle changes. If you do, you'll start losing weight today--and that that weight loss will be permanent! It's easier than you think and you can start today.

1) Don't drink your calories. Cut out all drinks with sugar and high fructose corn syrup ("corn sugar"). Also watch your alcohol consumption and use of fruit juices. Both alcohol and fruit juices are loaded with calories. If you drink fruit juices, go for fresh squeezed in order to avoid added sugar. You may also want to consider drinking water instead of diet sodas. Some studies have suggested that people who consume artificial sweeteners like those found in diet sodas tend to gain weight. It may be wise to avoid all soda.

2) Concentrate your diet around vegetables, fresh fruits and whole grains. Learn to think about your diet in terms of what you should eat, not what you shouldn't eat. Focus on the positive rather than the negative. It will help you overcome the negative psychology of "dieting." Fill up on healthy food and you will naturally eat less junk food. Start most meals with salad and then move to whole grain breads. Begin with these healthy and tasty alternatives and you'll feel less need to eat calorie laden desserts. By the way, try using vinegar and olive oil on your salad and be careful not to drown your salad in a sugary dressing. (Some dressings offer almost as much fat and calories as a typical cheeseburger.) Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint, and small changes add up. It's about changing your lifestyle, not about going hungry.

3) Get active, exercise. The research is very clear, even moderate exercise is very helpful for weight control. Even if you do starve yourself into losing weight without exercise, you will lose beautiful lean muscle and not fat. Think about ways to consistently incorporate additional activity into each day. Walk as much as possible. Find low impact, easy to do exercises that expand your social life and you are likely to stick with it. Think about a relaxing walk with your co-workers or significant other.

Small changes, that's what it's all about. Think about goals over long periods of time. You will see incredible changes, including permanent weight loss.


San Diego Anti-Aging and Cosmetic Surgery { } is committed to maintaining our reputation as the experts in the Cosmetic surgery, Anti-aging and Weight Loss Fields. We intend to be the first to introduce innovative aesthetic therapies as they are developed. But what we're most proud of is the quality of our person-to-person service.

Friday, October 28, 2011

6 Easy Steps To Lose Weight Fast

Being overweight increases your overall health risks. So making weight loss a part of your complete health plan will help avoid those risks and prevent many lifestyle diseases.

If your plans are reasonable and sensible from the beginning you will increase your chance of achieving your goals. So what should be your long-term goal? And what milestones should you set to show your progress and help you get there?

The following are some simple steps that you can use to set out your goals in your weight loss plan.

1. Get real

Most people's weight loss plans are far too optimistic with both how much weight they are planning to lose and the time in which they plan do it. Set a meaningful goal and milestones based on where you are now, the amount of work and dedication you are prepared to put in and what you want to achieve.

A reasonable target is based on your body mass index (BMI). BMI is a fairly reliable indicator of body fatness for an average person and measures whether you are a healthy weight in relation to your height. With a BMI of less than 18.5 you would be considered underweight, between 19 and 24.9 a healthy weight, between 25 and 29.9 overweight and above 30 is considered obese. However BMI's do vary by race, age and sex and body composition. For an example a muscular person may have a high BMI but very low body fat and be extremely fit!

Confirm that your plan is reasonable with a dietician or other qualified practitioner.

2. Set clear objectives

Write down on a piece of paper exactly why you want to lose weight. Having a weight loss plan just for vanity and appearance sake will be far less meaningful than losing weight to improve your health. But it's a good start. Making a plan is the first step in your overall weight loss exercise. It will start you on the road to being more healthy and having more energy to enjoy doing more in your life.

3. Progress slowly

Short-term weight loss goals should not be unreasonable "pies-in-the-sky." If you haven't exercised for a long time start slowly and gently. Walk before you run.

3. Focus on doing, not losing

Rather worrying how much weight you are going to lose in a week, plan how much exercise you're going to do. Be aware that the amount of weight you lose in the short term is out of your control, but the amount you exercise you do is completely up to you.

5. Reward yourself for progress

You will save yourself up to fail if you have an all-or-nothing attitude. Assess your efforts fairly and objectively. Be kind to yourself; if you don't achieve some of your goals, just look ahead. You do not need a perfect record to succeed.

6. Use measurable objectives

Write down measurable objectives and record your progress against them. Your plan should not be based on hope but focussed and action driven. By including exercise into your weight loss plan you will have some good measures of success. You will be able to plan and measure things like the minutes of exercise or calories burned in order to see your progress.

Remember that a plan without action is useless. Making a plan and achieving even the small, short term goals will motivate your progressive and successful long term weight-loss.


Boosting your fitness, health and well being is not always easy but the rewards are great. Click Here! to join Patrick Millerd a life long health nut (who stills finds exercise painful!) help you find the best path to your health goals.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Diets For People With Fatty Liver - 4 Keys For Creating The Perfect Fatty Liver Diet Plan

Diets for people with fatty liver are not only healthy for the liver, but also for the rest of the body. In fact, a good fatty liver diet is not much different than a good, healthy diet for the average person. However, it's important to know what you're up against because making a few minor changes in the foods you eat can make a huge, long-term difference in maintaining proper liver function.

Fatty liver (sometimes referred to as fatty liver disease or FLD) simply refers to an overabundance of fat, specifically triglycerides, in the liver. The end result of fat accumulation is a liver that is much larger and heavier than that of a healthy individual.

You might also hear the term, "steatosis", tossed around when researching this condition. Steatosis simply refers to the process by which the fat accumulates in and around liver cells (hepatocytes). It is also used to describe the first of four stages of FLD that range from steatosis to steatohepatitis (fatty liver coupled with inflammation).

Early stages of FLD are often benign and asymptomatic. However, if the condition is left undiscovered and uncontrolled, then it can become life threatening in the form of cirrhosis or liver cancer.

Definitive confirmation of the presence of FLD can only be done through a liver biopsy procedure. The condition is closely tied to obesity and, in the case of AFL (alcoholic fatty liver), excessive alcohol consumption, which is why proper diet and exercise are critical to improving and reversing the disease.

A good diet plan for fatty liver often focuses on 4 central ideas: high fiber and complex carbohydrates, control and monitor calories, reduce fat intake, and go heavy on fruits and vegetables.

Pasta, brown rice, and other foods rich in complex carbohydrates are generally recommended to make up the main energy source for people with excessive fat in the liver. Approximately 60-70% of the diet should come from complex carbohydrates and foods high in fiber.

These foods help provide your body with a useable energy source so it doesn't have to resort to breaking down fats that can accumulate in the liver. They also aid digestion which helps remove excess fat.

By reducing calories, you can reduce weight. This in turn helps take some of the stress off your liver. A 1200 to 1500 calorie meal plan should be a good diet for reducing a fatty liver, so long as the proper foods are consumed.

The most important part of a good diet plan for FLD is reducing your overall fat intake. Shoot for gradual weight loss and keep fat from ending up in your liver by shooting for a diet low in saturated fats. Fat should not make up more than 30% of your daily caloric intake.

Lastly, remember when your mom used to tell you to eat all your fruits and vegetables? Now is the time to start listening to her if you haven't already. A fatty liver disease diet should be rich in fruits and vegetables, particularly those containing large amounts of vitamin C (citrus fruits) and folate.


Next, now is the time to formulate the best diet plan for reducing a fatty liver:

If you really want to improve your health and stop FLD from progressing to Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH), Cirrhosis, or worse, then learn how to reduce liver fat now by visiting:

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Comparing Weight Loss Plans? Find Out What Really Works

You have many options when it comes to starting a new weight loss plan. But with that being said, it is very important that you find the correct plan that will work for you. Weight loss plans fail for many different reasons. None are guaranteed to work for you, even if they have worked for other people in the past. Weight loss plans vary widely, so consider these variables when choosing the weight loss plan that's right for you.

Forget About Listening to Celebrities

The airwaves are full of self-help experts and weight loss gurus, promoting a variety of weight loss schemes. We've all heard celebrities sing the praises of some diet or another. But the truth is: You will not lose weight just because some celebrity recommends a new plans or program. You will drop the weight when you change how you live. No little magic pill or easy wonder drug will change that reality. Scams will not work for you. Real weight loss always involves the same two things, exercise and diet. These lifestyle changes will result in real and permanent weight loss and that has been proven time after time.

Forget About Avoiding Some Certain Food Groups

Some plans call for the elimination of an entire food group such as carbs. You may lose some weight by doing this, but you will be putting your health at risk, and you will almost certainly gain the weight back as soon as you complete the diet. Serious diet plans will always call for you to reduce the amount of food you eat at meals and they will suggest that you eat smaller lighter meals more frequently in order to boost your metabolism.

Plan to Exercise

You don't really have to join a gym or take up body building to lose the weight, although getting a gym membership definately wouldn't hurt you either! What you really must do is increase your daily exercise. Just do more in the future than you do now, and do that routinely. Walk. Walk to work, if possible. Walk to the store, if possible. Walk anytime that you can. Driving is not exercise, but when you drive, park on the far end of the lot and walk across the parking lot. Walking across parking lots may not seem like much, but adding small things like this into your daily routine will help your weight loss plan.


San Diego Anti-Aging and Cosmetic Surgery { } is committed to maintaining our reputation as the experts in the Cosmetic surgery, Anti-aging and Weight Loss Fields. We intend to be the first to introduce innovative aesthetic therapies as they are developed. But what we're most proud of is the quality of our person-to-person service.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

How To Drop Some Weight

Because of so many weight loss programs and gym packages ensuring shedding unwanted weight, someone can easily get puzzled. Still, by getting to know some uncomplicated methods to cut calories, you can lose some extra pounds efficiently. In this manner you only need to make changes in your lifestyle by changing your old practices with a few new practices. Let us look at the effective approaches which will teach you the best way to cut calories steadily.

You must have discovered many verbal tips about losing weight from friends and family when you exhibit your weight issues to them. Some advise you to stop eating oily food, some say "quit consuming junk", some say drink plenty of water, and the list just goes on.

But most of these don't seem to help even if you try your best to follow them. This is because you are perhaps not trying hard enough to see the outcomes or you are not doing it correctly. You can actually always drop some weight by natural means and fast without trying out a crash eating routine.

Among the finest remedies when aiming for the perfect figure is to use a natural diet plan suppressant, such as Caralluma. This kind of solution works by lowering your hunger, making sure that you will not continually feel the need to eat. As a result, you will look better and better progressively.

In addition, one more efficient strategy to reduce calories is by exercising. You could either join a health and fitness center, or devise your own individual training workout to drop some weight. Include exercises which burn calories more rapidly; some of the best exercises to lose fat fast are swimming, skipping with a jump rope and exercise on an elliptical machine. Develop your own cardio workout strategy, and use some weight training exercises to tone specific muscles.

Plus, making use of Caralluma Fimbriata and adding a healthy way of life will definitely end up in the best final results. This also means consuming more vegetables and fruits so that your body gets the needed amount of nutritional vitamins and energy.

Overall, there are many solutions that can swiftly result in some developments in your figure (Caralluma Actives, diets, sport and so on), so there is no need for you to be anxious. These were some of the useful information on ways to cut calories. It might not be possible to follow all the above tips, but try to stick as much possible to healthy consuming and exercising practices, and you will be able to minimize the unwanted calories quickly.


You can read more about Caralluma at: .

Thursday, October 6, 2011

How To Lose Pounds When You're Obese

In a world where food supply is not guaranteed plentiful all the time, our body has adapted in such a way that we have the capacity to keep extra energy reserves efficiently in times of food abundance, and to use these reserves in instances of famine. I am referring to no other than the fat cells or adipose cells, which are randomly distributed all through our body. The function of fat is important for human survival. In infants, for example, it has been cited that the pads of fat in the child's cheeks can allow the baby to survive for several days with no food.

While survival may be one good reason to get these fat cells to work; the same fat cells can also put the body at risk for many diseases. In the presence of dietary abundance coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, and guided importantly with hereditary endowment, fat cells can produce adverse health consequences which start off with a problem known as obesity.

Obesity is a state of too much adipose tissue mass. That occurs due to increased energy consumption, minimum energy expenditure, or both. Energy intake to the body that is not used up is kept in fat tissues in the form of triglycerides. The most broadly used method to gauge obesity is the body mass index (BMI). To determine your Body Mass Index, simply divide your weight in kilograms over the square of your height in meters (BMI= kg/meter²). The classification being founded on BMI is shown below.

Classification BMI (kg/m²)

Underweight less than 19

Normal weight 19-25

Overweight 26-30

Obese more than 30

Though a BMI of 26-30 places one in an overweight classification only, that is often seen as medically significant and deserving of therapeutic intervention, most especially in the presence of other risk elements like high blood pressure and glucose intolerance. All the more, A BMI of more than 30 unquestionably warrants fast attention.

It is now an established fact that as individuals get much more obese, their regular energy output increases. An obese man or woman need to therefore eat more than the regular lean person to maintain their increased weight. Therefore, the first step an obese person need to take into account if he wishes to be extra-fat free is to get rid of weight.

Below is a guide to knowing how much an obese person must lose from his weight and how to get rid of them.

Step 1. Know your best body weight.

For female: 100 lbs (5 lbs per inch over 5 feet)

For male : 106 lbs (6 lbs per inch over 5 feet)

Step 2. Know your day-to-day caloric requirement.There is a formula to compute it.

Step 3. Reduce your energy consumption.

Try losing 1 pound (0.45 kg) body weight by under-eating 3,500 calories over the course of the week. This may imply cutting your daily caloric consumption by 500 calories per day, since it is impossible for anybody to shed 3,500 calories in one day. Besides, nutritionists advise avoiding abrupt weight loss that can be deleterious to your health.

Step 4. Increase your energy expenditure

You need to increase your energy output at the same time, by adding in more exercise. In this way, you'll find it easier to shed pounds. For example, if you are aiming to get rid of 1 lb over a week (500 calories/day), maybe each day you can try consuming 250 calories less and engage yourself on a half-hour cardio exercise that can burn up an additional 250 calories. However, because a lot of obese individuals have cardiovascular risk factors, exercise ought to be introduced little by little and under medical supervision.

* The ideal body weight that you obtained in Step 1 can serve as your guide. In making an attempt to lose excess weight, you may not necessarily attain your perfect body weight, for as long as your new BMI will now fall between 19-25 kg/m², which is the normal BMI.

Though obesity is a persistent medical problem, there are reasons to believe that it can be treated. Of course, the treatment and the whole course of action of reversing this condition is not simple at all, but with the person's determination, self-discipline, patience, and challenging work, there is no reason that it cannot be done.


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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Can I Lose Fat Without Dieting

What every dieter wants to know is how they can lose weight without exercising. In today's fast-paced world everyone is looking for quick and easy solutions to their daily difficulties. The majority of dieters want two things: First, they don't want to diet. Second, they don't want to have to exercise. In other words, just give me something so that I can lose weight.

The HCG diet is a low calorie homeopathic weight loss program is based on the HCG protocol. All you have to do is eat the right foods outlined in the plan with the HCG drops that burn the stored fat.

The original HCG protocol was created in the 1950s by Dr. Albert Simeons. While Dr. Simeons tediously studied a vast array of foods while formulating the HCG protocol, he recommended that the foods listed on the protocol offered the best results while on the HCG diet. Currently, there are a lot of HCG companies out there, but only a handful of them follow Dr. Simeons original HCG protocol.

The program is divided into two phases. The first phase is the weight loss phase. This is where everyone starts. You simply follow the plan until you reach your desired weight goal. When you reach your desired weight, you enter the maintenance phase to maintain your weight. Using this methodology you are able to lose weight and keep it off.

While it is possible to lose weight without exercising, you can speed up the process and reach your desired weight goals faster by exercising. This doesn't mean that you need to join a gym or run around the block. Simply walking for a few minutes a week is a good start. The main thing is that you will be on your way to finally being able to lose weight.


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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Simple Ways To Healthy Weight Loss

In today's world there is so much content on losing weight that it's become very confusing, and hard to follow. But it's actually pretty easy to lose weight when you follow the simple ways to healthy weight loss.

Before you start any diet you need to be in the right mindset. When you don't feel good about yourself, or have low self-esteem, you will not choose healthy foods. Do not think that by going on a diet, it will make you feel better about yourself, because it won't. The best way to choose to eat healthy is if you have a positive attitude about yourself.

1. Start with eating foods that are natural to the body. When you eat food that has a lot of nutrients, your body knows how much, and when to stop eating. When you have the right nutrients you can be at your best weight, and have lots of energy also. When you eat processed, and empty calorie food you will make the body feel hungry more often, because it's trying to get the proper nutrition that it's craving.

2. The best weight loss suppliment on the planet is water, drink it. A lot of people on a diet can't tell the difference between being hungry or thirsty for water. Most people eat when they should be drinking water. Water usually takes care of the feelings of hunger. Water also helps in the food digestion, and drink a glass before your meal, to help fill you up.

3. Always make sure and chew your food nice and slowly. Chewing your food slowly will help the body get the most nutrition out of the food. Getting the most nutrition satisfies the body so you eat less. Another benefit of chewing the food slowly is it helps the body's digestion process.

4. Always eat frequent, and small meals during the day, because the larger the meal is, the harder your body has to work to digest it. Plus if you wait a longer period of time, before the next meal, you will be so hungry that you will eat more than you need to.

5. People are over weight most of the time, because of no physical exercise. Start roller skating, swimming or just walking the dog to get some kind of exercise in your life. Try to make the activity something you like doing, so you will want to do it more often. If you choose an activity just because it burns more calories, chances are you will not stick with that activity.

Try some of these ways for healthy weight loss, you will be amazed at the difference it makes in your life, and the people around you. This will certainly make you feel better about yourself!


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Friday, September 16, 2011

Exercise Your Way To Looking And Feeling Great

Seven good reasons why should you start your exercise program right now? Get your life on track through fitness and health.

1. Exercise promotes fat loss Scientific research has proven that physical exercise is a major factor in weight loss as any exercise burns calories. Anyone will lose weight if they burn more calories than they consume. It's really quite simple - the more you exercise, and the more vigourous the exercise the more fat you'll lose.

2. Exercise helps prevent disease Many of the diseases that are now reaching epidemic proportions in the Western world are lifestyle diseases resulting from poor eating habits and a lack of exercise. A significant proportion of the deaths caused by heart disease and cancer are linked to factors including over eating, a lack of exercise and stress. Diabetes is another disease which increases the chance of heart attacks and strokes.

So start your exercise program today to reduce your chance of developing any of these diseases.

3. Exercise improves healing of disease and injuries Many diseases can be prevented or even healed through regular exercise. By following a regular exercise program, you can increase HDL (good) and reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, decrease triglyceride, a form of fat, and also decrease your blood pressure.

Regular exercise may also reduce the risk of prostate cancer for men and breast and uterine cancer for women.

4. Exercise uplifts your state of mind Scientific studies have shown that exercise results in a release of endorphins in the body. These are "feel good" chemicals that help fight depression. Even a short 10 minute workout can make you feel better - sweat out your depression.

Serotonin is another chemical known to with a physical workout. The increased levels of serotonin in the central nervous system is associated with feelings of well being and decreased mental depression. This chemical can also make you sleep better at night.

5. Exercise boosts your wellness When you are in great shape and fit, you'll have more energy and you'll notice that your overall mood (and the people around you!) is improved. You'll be able to take on more, stretch your own limits and do more than you ever thought possible.

6. Exercise builds persistence Exercise goals are very specific and objective and can be of great benefit as they provide something to focus on and achieve. Your achievements in exercise are objective and individual. It can be tough, but when you achieve them the achievement is all yours. No one can do your exercise for you.

7. Exercise improves your social capabilities Working out on a regular basis will make you look better and you'll be more comfortable in yourself. You'll boost your self esteem and by being more active you'll have more chances to meet new people. Being fit can also increase your interest in sex, and help you improve your relationship or marriage.

I'm sure you'll agree that all of the above are great reasons to exercise. So don't hesitate, get out there and start today. You can exercise at home or go out and join a gym, dance class or pole dancing club. There are so many different ways that you can get exercise, select one that really appeals to you.

Make time every day for your exercise routine - you'll feel great and your body (and everyone else around you!) will thank you.


Weight loss and fitness go hand in hand to improve your quality of life. Patrick Millerd, a lifelong fitness junky, would like to help you find your weight loss solution so you feel better and can do more at .


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Easy Ways To Speed Your Metabolism

Are you having problems losing weight, even after you have changed up your diet? Your exercising like crazy but you have still yet seen any results. Does these statements and more pop up in your head as you continuously try and try to drop some poundage? I understand and I know exactly how you feel. One thing that most people forget about when they are trying to lose weight is their metabolism.

The best definition I can give you for the word metabolism is it is a measure of the amount of calories your body burns each and everyday. It is impacted by what you eat, how you exercise, and some of the lifestyle choices you make. A good example of this a let's suppose you are trying to lose weight, so you decide to stop eating very often. What happens is your body goes into starvation mode and will actually sow down the burning cycle. This will result in you to stop losing weight and maybe even start gaining again.

The more you do this the more your body will slow down from burning fat. This will cause you to start getting bigger around the wasteline. To try and help you speed up your metabolism I have included 10 tips you need to include in your weekly activities. That way you can start burning the calories you need to achieve the results your looking for. Let's get started now.

1) Never starve yourself. When you starve yourself you can actually start losing muscle instead of fat. Your body will begin burning off water weight and will leave you looking just as flabby as you were.

2) Do Not skip breakfast. Breakfast is one of the most important meals you can put into your body. When you start off the morning with some lean protein, some fruit, and something decent to drink, you will kick start your metabolism for the morning.

3) Try eating most of the day. Your day should consist of at least 6 to 8 meals everyday. They should include fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. One of the best ideas to do is take a couple of hours one day a week and prepare all your meals for that week or the week ahead.

4) Follow the lean protein ratio. Eat about 1.14 grams of lean protein per pound of lean body mass. Not sure what your lean body weight is, then just remember to eat your body weight. One gram of protein per pound of weight. Try to stick to the lean mass ratio because it will help with the weight loss a lot better.

5)Eat Good Fats. Include in your meals olive oil, flax, nuts, and fish. Make sure to include almonds to replace the carbs that aren't any good. They will fill you up faster and will help with burning fat.

6) Do strength training. Include exercises that will allow you to complete eight sets without struggling to bad. Add in some interval training to boost your metabolism tremendously.

7) Don't neglect your hormone levels. Eat foods that wil help you control energy levels, sugar levels, and insulin levels. This is very important and is often overlooked.

8) No alcholic beverages. Alcohol prevents fat loss. Also, beware men, alcohol can reduce testosterone levels.

9) Rest and Recovery. Rest is alos an overlooked part of weight loss. Most people don't pay attention to the fact that they need at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep daily.

10) Water and green tea are essential. Though these may not help increase your metabolism, I do beleive that they will help keep you from slowing it down.

Metabolism is a key component to how much weight one person can lose. If you will try and follow these ten simple steps above you will see better results than you have been getting. Once you fix your metabolic problem, weight loss will become much simplier.


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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Beginners Jogging

Anybody trying to lose weight should engage in some kind of aerobic exercise in to boost their metabolism in order to burn calories faster. A brisk walk will do, but some people are more comfortable with jogging or running and feel it works better for them.

Making the choice to jog during weight loss will not only help you lose weight but will also help you get into the routine of exercising, a move that will help you keep the weight off when you have reached your goal weight. The ideal exercise for weight loss is a combination of aerobic and resistance exercise - for example, jogging combined with some weight lifting routines.

Getting into the habit of jogging is not a difficult one for most people, but if you have never been one to exercise, it may come as a shock at first. It's better not to jump right into a long jogging workout but rather to begin gently and work your way up to where you want to be. Do not rush the amount of time you spend jogging, but let your body guide you and let you know when you are ready. If you allow your body to be your guide, it will be much easier to work into a jogging routine without all of the discomfort.

In order to achieve the ultimate weight loss, you want to make jogging part of your routine but not the only exercise you perform. Although it is aerobic exercise that burns calories, resistance exercise helps you build lean muscle mass which burns fat faster. Therefore the ideal routine is a combination of aerobic and resistance exercises. Of course, if you can't do the resistance routines for health reasons, then certainly you can obtain the benefits from jogging but you may find it takes longer to accomplish. However, any kind of exercise you can perform will certainly help you lose weight and keep it off after you have reached your goal weight. You have to remember you will need to keep it up in order to maintain your weight loss. You cannot stop once you have reached your goal weight and expect to maintain the results.

Do not overdo your jogging in an attempt to lose weight faster. Although you may accomplish that goal, it will be at the cost of your health. Working your muscles too hard even in jogging can cause your muscles and cartilage to become damaged thus preventing you from doing many activities including jogging.

Although you want to jog in places that are well populated you also want to stay away from traffic. Do not choose high traffic roads to jog even if you are on the side of the road facing traffic. There is always the possibility that a vehicle will come off the road and hit you, or maybe just pull off the road with mechanical problems and fail to see you. If you choose roads that have a high traffic volume, choose one that has a sidewalk or a shoulder that is far enough off the main road for you to be safe.

In addition to the potential for being hit jogging in a high traffic area, is the possibility of being mugged or even kidnapped as you jog alongside the road. You can avoid these possibilities by being on the sidewalk or far enough away from the highway that someone would have to stop actually stop their car and get out in order to pull you into the car. Safety is a very important issue for joggers and one that you should not take lightly. Jogging is a healthy activity for the body but you also have to make sure you perform it with your personal safety in mind.

One of the best ways to make certain you are in a well-lit area that is well populated is in a business area. Keep in mind that not all business sections will follow this pattern, so you still have to be careful where you go. For example, factories and warehouses are not the safest places to be because even though people may be working, they are usually secluded and unable to see what is going on outside. The best places are around stores where customers come and go at all times, rather than restaurants or movie theaters where customers are generally indoors rather than outside.

The key to making jogging a healthy activity is to make certain you are aware of the surroundings where you jog and to be attentive to your surroundings. Don't become a target by being too preoccupied with your own thoughts or music. Although it may help pass the time while you are jogging it also puts your safety in danger and makes you vulnerable to a surprise attack by someone you neither saw nor heard.


For information on jogging or running for weight loss, go to

Friday, September 2, 2011

Frequently Asked Questions About P90X And The Answers

Did you hear about p90x and are curious to know if it will be a workout program that is effective for you? Then you have to be aware of the most FAQs and the answer for them.

Knowing these questions and the answers will give you more essential information about this program, so you can make a decision about whether to use it or not and be confident with your decision. The following are the questions that are the most vital to know the answers to.

1. Can p90x really help you lose weight and also burn fat?

Yes, this program will help anyone burn fat and this will allow you to lose weight. You just have to be prepared to use the program to the end, or you will not be able to achieve either of these goals.

This is an intense program that will always get results, if you are smart and use it through completely. Within a short amount of time, you will start seeing results from fat loss and weight loss.

2. How will this program help you burn fat fast?

P90X uses a technique that is known as muscle confusion, which will let anyone develop muscles quickly and this means that you will be burning fat as you build the muscles. There are 13 different workouts that are designed to target all areas of your body and get each one into better shape.

So, you will be able to lose fat that is unhealthy on your body. This will lead to you have a body that is in much better shape than it ever has been.

3. What exactly is muscle confusion?

One thing that you need to know is that when you are exercising your body muscles, they will quickly become accustomed to the exercises that you do. This will lead to the routine becoming ineffective for getting into shape.

With p90x, the exercise routines that you do will target each area of your body, but each day you will be working different areas. This will prevent your muscles from getting used to the routine, so that each time you use a particular routine, it will always be effective.

4. Do you have to already be athletic to use this program?

Anyone can use this program effectively, even if you are not athletic. It is a little simpler for athletic people since their bodies are in semi good shape already.

The people that are not athletic will definitely get positive results from using p90x, but you need to be prepared for it to be a more difficult for you, since it is designed to be an intense workout.

5. How much time will you need to dedicate to using this program?

Each day will require around 45 minutes to an hour and a half for doing the required exercises. The program itself is designed to be a 90 day workout to get your results quickly.

Now that you know these FAQs and the answers for them, you will be able to make a much better decision for yourself about whether this is the right solution for you to use to get into shape. You are the only one that can make this decision, so be sure you make your choice carefully.


If you enjoyed this article by Jeff Schuman please visit our p90x reviews website today. You will find useful information to help you learn the answer to the question, does p90x work? You will also find out how to get the best p90x results possible for anyone that uses this program to get into good shape.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Natural Weight Loss - The Best Weight Loss Solution

Although the diet industry is a multi billion dollar industry, studies have shown that losing weight naturally is one of the best and healthiest ways to lose weight and keep it off long term. Because every body is unique, implementing a healthy weight loss program based on your body profile will help you shed the excess weight while learning how to maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle.

Losing weight naturally means implementing a healthy diet program and reasonable exercise plan. As well, having patience and making a commitment to losing weight is essential to ensuring successful weight loss. A poor diet that mostly consists of fatty foods, sugar filled beverages and foods, junk food, and foods prepared in an unhealthy way, all contribute to an increase in weight. Implementing a healthy and natural diet program means you are changing your diet habits to a plan that includes healthy foods such as whole grains, fruits and nuts, vegetables, lean meats, fish, and the foods are prepared in a healthy way which does not include frying the foods in butter and unhealthy high fat oils.

There are a variety of foods that help stimulate your metabolism to promote fat and calorie burning. All of these healthy foods are rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. In addition, you should be eating foods that are rich in the healthy fatty acids such as Omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids help maintain low cholesterol levels and stabilize insulin levels. Drinking plenty of water daily is also a key part to losing weight as well reducing the size of the portions you eat.

Part of losing weight the natural way is creating a healthy exercise program. When many people start a weight loss program, they will start exercising too much and too fast. The result can be muscle strains, pulled ligaments, and exhaustion. This is not healthy, helpful, or fun. The key is to have fun when you are engaging in physical activity and do not exceed your physical limits. Start off slow such as a taking a brisk walk every day and then move to more challenging activities such as joining in a fitness class or working out at a gym. When you exercise it will not only stimulate weight loss but it will also improve your overall mental and physical health.

Almost all of us have a few extra pounds we would like to shed. Losing weight naturally normally involves losing one to two pounds per week. It is important to be patient because it can be a long process if you want to not only lose the weight but keep it off long term. Diet fads and gimmicks are often a waste of money as the results are limited and often people will put the weight back on. Losing weight naturally is the best weight loss solution. You will learn how to practice healthy eating habits and you will become much healthier and best of all, you will look fantastic and feel great.


A natural weight loss clinic that helps its clients reach their nutrition and weight loss goals in record time and in a healthy way. Lose weight fast by following a natural diet and consulting weight loss experts on a regular basis.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How To Get Back In Shape After Giving Birth

Celebrity mothers have managed to get back to their ideal figure in only a short time that a lot of women would also want to do the same. Though weight loss may be feasible that early following a pregnancy, it may not be too practical for most women. It is vital to acknowledge that most of us don't have the resources that they have to aid in weight reduction. New moms usually need to adjust to the added duty of taking care of the infant. At that point, finding extra time to workout may seem like a luxury.

Ladies must avoid cutting down on calories too soon. Your body may not need the added calories during pregnancy, but it still needs an ample amount of calories for breastfeeding. Women who decide to breastfeed must consume at least 1,800 to 2,000 calories a day. This could guarantee that you will still be able to produce sufficient milk to nourish your child.

Eating nutritious food is really important to obtain weight loss. Choose foods which will make you feel full longer.Examples of these food items involve fruits, veggies, and whole grains. It is also vital to choose nutrient rich foods but with a lesser fat content. Skim milk, yogurt and cheeses with reduced fat content can be easily purchased. It is also wise to choose skinless poultry, lean portions of meats and pork, fish and beans as protein sources. These food items do not only have protein, but they also include iron, zinc and Vitamin B. If you find it hard to avoid unhealthy foods like junk food, it may be goodnot to stock up on it to stay away from temptation.

New moms additionally require extra energy owing to the demands of motherhood. Instead of consuming 3 big meals, try eating several little portions per day. That will provide a continual supply of energy and it should additionally help in boosting your metabolism. If you feel that you want to eat all the time, it may be beneficial to divert your attention on other things like taking your little one to the park or reading a good book.

Physical exercise is always good for the body, but females need to take it easy for the first 6 to 8 weeks right after delivery .In the course of pregnancy, a woman's body generates significant amounts of relaxin, which loosens the joints thus facilitating labor. However, soon after delivery, it may put a woman at risk for injury. Physical exercise should begin the way you did while you were pregnant. You should start out slow and gradually build the exercise soon after your body has adjusted. You can then ask your medical doctor as to when you can possibly start your post-pregnancy exercise routine on your postpartum check-up. If you haven't been doing exercises, a good way to start is by means of walking. You can frequently take your baby out on a stroller in order to have some kind of physical exercise.

If at any time while exercising you experience excessive bleeding, pelvic or abdominal pain, lack of breath, extreme exhaustion immediately after a mild exercise, and muscle soreness which lasts more than a day, seek the advice of your physician right away.

Losing weight after pregnancy can be really frustrating fora lot women. Weight loss immediately after pregnancy is challenging and it takes time. Females should not be too hard on themselves. It required nine months to put all the weight in during pregnancy, so it is going to take a substantial amount of time as well, to shed the weight. Your body may look different soon after pregnancy, but it is still the body that nourished your little one inside the womb. Rather than stressing too much about your appearance, celebrate and savor the moment with your new bundle of joy.


They say your kid is a reflection of you. Visit to learn how to raise a better child by raising a better parent (YOU) first.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A More Gentle Method Of Weight Loss

Countless overweight individuals have starved themselves for a short period until they quickly lost the fight. That is a method which could work given that you will be reducing calories. That method sounds like it should work, and it can, but it requires more transformations than people realize. This is certainly like quitting smoking cold turkey, and the fact is it requires a lot when it comes to changing daily habits and lifestyle. Positive along with healthy lifestyle and eating changes will be incredibly easier to accomplish with a different approach. Instead of trying to make a complete change in a single day, take it one step at a time.

Except in cases where you have a hyperactive metabolism, then an excess of daily calories will cause obesity. Nevertheless, there are some that may eat all day and never gain weight. There is a point at which you may possibly not get enough calories, and then that causes uncomfortable side effects. You can get by with a bare minumum daily caloric intake, but the likelihood is very good that you would feel tired, sluggish, hungry and miserable. Consequently the initial step would be to begin minimizing foods that are not helping your weight problem. So by committing to scaling down on consumption, then you will not shock your body so hard.

If you cut back on chocolate, then begin introducing foods most notably fruits or even vegetables. Keep in mind you want to avoid changing everything all at the same time. If you have tried implementing total change and were unsuccessful, then this may be an agreeable strategy for you. Easily begin by making small changes, and then keeping them every single day for a period of time. When you feel comfortable with that amount of change, then you can make another correction in your daily diet. On top of that, you may consider introducing some kind of physical activity to your weekly routine.

You may already have a solid idea concerning the foods you eat that are helping you to put on pounds. High carbohydrate foods together with those with far too much sugar need to be recognised. Then, you require fat in your diet, but it is the kind of fat that makes a difference. The unhealthy fats are highly saturated fats, and just think about fast foods as well as highly refined foods. After that simply make the effort to consume a smaller amount of them each day, or week. Your goal is to do something that is meaningful, and you will feel better about yourself and is particularly good.

It is advisable to make these small changes a part of your new behaviors and routines. While this strategy is easier, realize that this process will take more time to drop those pounds. There are huge numbers of people who cannot cope well with full-scale changes, and that is who this is for. However, you cannot allow yourself to stagnate because it is vital that you keep going about it. However, when the results start to happen, then that can have a magical effect on your aspiration to change. There is nothing more inspiring than triumph in any endeavor.


For more information on why starvation diets don't work, and what you can do to finally lose weight, check out this article . Another resource that you'll be interested in is this post . There are countless tips in there on how to lose weight and burn fat effectively!

Burn Fat in 15 Minutes

Stoking the furnace

Look at the cover of any lifestyle magazine today and the chances are that the two words "burning fat" will appear in some form or another. Its an obsession. Even those who don't necessarily have a weight problem are drawn to articles that discuss fat burning and new strategies to do so more effectively. Fat - more specifically, body fat - has become a topic of increasing debate over the past 10, 20, 30 perhaps even 40 years, and today more than ever, we are constantly trying to find new and effective ways to "burn" fat off our bodies.

Fat is usually "burnt" off through exercise. There are also dietary approaches that claim to put the body into a "fat-burning" state, but generally, the term "burning" is more readily associated with exercise.

There have been many analogies used to define how body fat is burned off - one such analogy being to liken the body's metabolic system to a "furnace" that needs to be "stoked" to increase its "fat burning" efficiency. This analogy implies that fat is burnt during a particular exercise activity - whilst the activity is being performed. This analogy has also fuelled other theories and mindsets, such as the longer the duration of an exercise activity the more fat will be "burned off" - i.e. the "I'll-just-run a-few-more-miles-to-burn-off the-extra-slice-of-cake" way of thinking.

Unfortunately, this eat more/exercise more approach can spiral out of control with exercise becoming just a means to an end - almost creating a situation that can be seen as "exercise bulimia".

This approach not only also leads to potential overtraining injuries, but is extremely time consuming, with some people exercising up to several hours a day to ensure that they continue to "burn fat".

There is a far more sensible approach to burning that not only is far less time consuming, but also burns fat whilst at rest....long after the exercise session is finished.

Burning fat - From 10%-90%

As mentioned earlier, the traditional "fat burning mindset" is that body fat is burnt whilst performing a particular exercise activity (the preferred exercise activity usually being aerobic or cardio type exercise). However, even if an exercise activity is performed for 2 hours (e.g. 2 hours on the stationery bike) - which is a considerable amount of time - this still only represents just under 10% of the day. Also, with most aerobic type activity, the metabolic rate returns to normal just 1 hour after the exercise session is completed (the metabolism or metabolic rate being the single most important aspect that affects fat burning).

Surely it would be better to be able to burn fat for 70%-90% of the day? To somehow keep the metabolic rate elevated for as long as possible to ensure that fat was "burnt" long after the exercise session had finished?

Metabolism and Muscle

If you want to burn fat, you need muscle - it's that simple. The more muscle, the more fat is burnt....whilst exercising and whilst at rest.

Now this does not mean that you need to become a competitive bodybuilder, or even become "musclebound". But it does mean that you should consider reducing the cardio sessions and increasing or adding resistance training sessions to condition your muscles. To put it in perspective, for every pound of muscle, the body requires an extra 60-100 calories a day to maintain it at rest! Also, resistance workouts keep the body's metabolic rate elevated for up to 15 hours after the exercise session is completed (assuming that the workout is relatively intense). Also, endurance cardio training makes muscles smaller, which means a less efficient fat-burning furnace in the long-term.

So now that we know that better conditioned and stronger muscles increase the body's metabolic rate - which in turn leads to more efficient fat burning, how do we do this in 15 minutes?

Fat Burning in 15 Minutes

Please note the following: This exercise approach is very intense. If you are not used to exercise or exercising with resistance, then you should begin the routine with very light weights at first and take a 2-3 minute rest between each exercise. As you become fitter and stronger, you may gradually increase the weight and also gradually reduce the time between each exercise.

The following 2 routines are tough...very tough. There are several aspects that make this routine effective:

1) Each exercise uses several muscle groups - thus placing a higher energy demand on the body

2) Each exercise focuses on larger muscles - by using larger muscles, we also place higher energy demands on the body

3) The level of resistance required places 90-100% demand on each group of muscles (NB: beginners/intermediates must use lighter weight)

4) There is minimal - ideally zero - rest between sets creating a massive cardio and fat-burning effect that literally "fries" calories

5) Both routines are brief - and should not take longer than 15 minutes

The Metabolism Stoking Fat-Frying Routine

For each exercise of the following 2 routines, select a resistance load that allows you to complete no more than 10-12 smooth repetitions. If you can perform a 13th repetition, then the weight is too light (NB: Beginners & Intermediates to select a light weight and progress gradually).

Also, keep rest between each exercise as short as possible (ideally run to next exercise and start as soon as possible). Again, beginners & intermediates take longer rest periods between sets.

Routine 1:


Dumbbell Pullovers

Stiff-legged deadlift


Bench Press

Chins or Pulldowns

Bench Press

Barbell Curls

Shoulder Press

Routine 2:


Bench Press

Chins or Pulldowns

Repeat above 3 exercises 3 times with no rest between all 9 sets

Ted Frazer is a Wellness Expert with 20 years experience in weight loss and fitness counselling. Those interested in receiving Ted's e-book "The Ultimate Diet Solution" for FREE - mail Ted at - Put "Free Book" in subject box

Monday, August 15, 2011

Cardio Burning Fat - What is the Best Way to Exercise?

It is universally accepted that cardio workouts do burn fat. The question is what is the best cardio burning fat exercise? It is true that fat burns during high intensity and low intensity exercise, but which one is best?


When there is a excess of carbohydrates in the blood, the body will store them as glycogen in the liver and muscles. There is only limited storage capacity in these organs so any surplus of carbohydrates is then converted to fat and stored in the 25 billion or more fat cells in the body.


When one eats fat, it either is stored in the fat cells or is converted into cholesterol. The body makes enough cholesterol for its own daily needs, so any extra cholesterol is not a good thing as it might encourage heart disease.


Protein digestion causes the body to work real hard to derive the food benefits. Eating complex carbohydrates and protein - for example stone-crushed, whole-wheat bread and soymilk - will keep the body busy in the digestion process for a long time. And this has the effects of keeping one not hungry for a considerable bit of time and provides a lot of very healthy nutrients.


Glycogen provides energy reserves for short, high-intensity bursts of energy. When glycogen is burned during high intensity workouts it is assumed that little fat is burned. In actuality the body burns many calories during high intensity workouts. Calories for the most part, come from glycogen, but at the same time, calories do come from stored fat also.

After Burn

High intensity workouts also speed up metabolism and this heightened metabolism burns body fat even when the body is at rest. Weightlifters call this 'after burn'. Low intensity workouts don't have this effect. Note that: some authors even claim that the body will burn more fat after high intensity workouts than it will during low intensity workouts.

Interval Training

Interval training is a good form of cardio workout. These are very intense exercises for relatively short periods. For example, walk for 5 minutes, jog for 5 minutes followed by brisk walking, and then sprint (interval). This form of cardio workout gives the best of both low intensity and high intensity(interval) workouts.

Fat Burning Exercise Program

If you want to increase your heart rate this is the best way to do it. Exercises that are able to maintain and increase heart rates for a period of at least 20 minutes are considered aerobic or cardiovascular exercises. These are good fat burners.

Examples of these are:

Walking. Walking is the simplest of the aerobic exercises. It is a perfect prerequisite to fat burning and although minimal it is a good starting point for more energetic workouts.

Running or jogging is perhaps the best aerobics/cardio workout for fat burning.

Cycling like running is a good fat burning exercise.

Treadmills, stationary bikes, elliptical machines and the like are on a par with running and cycling.

However exercise is only beneficial if it is consistent: 3-4 times a week minimum is most effective for increasing heart rate and for burning fat.

Note: Always check with your doctor first before starting a new exercise program.

Cardio Fat Burning Exercise

While running and cycling provide good fat burning results there are other exercises that provide superior fat burning results.

Skipping rope is effective for fat burning as it provides a complete workout for all over body fat.

Swimming is another cardio exercise that provides very effective results. Swimming entails the use of strong movements which provides a high intensity workout. Fat will melt away and weight will follow. It also provides the benefits of no impact on the joints.

Using dumbbells or weight lifting equipment. This form of exercise is high intensity which will burn fat rapidly. However it must be done on a consistent basis.


Cardio workouts are the cornerstone to losing weight and burning fat, yet running or walking is often not enough because we might continue eating too much of the wrong foods. While diets are designed to lower calorie intake we still need to deplete our stores of fat. This is why we need cardio exercises. Each workout session may take as much as 600 calories from fat cells.

To achieve the optimal impact on burning fat, we need to eat the right foods. If one eats fatty, sugary foods the results of the workouts will be minimized and one may even gain weight. Switching to a diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and lean, small pieces of meat or fish will produce the maximum benefit for fat burning. Also as one gets in better shape, the minerals and other nutrients in fresh produce will help replenish the supply lost in exercising.

About the Author:

Tim Lazaro is a Fat Burning Nutrition enthusiast. Visit List of Fat Burning Foods for more expert advice on cardio burning fat [] exercises and other tips you can use right now to burn fat off and keep it off.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Seeing Is Believing If You Want To Burn Fat - Or Is It?

As with a good majority of the things we do in life, we rely heavily on our vision or eyesight as the determining factor in whether or not we believe something. And this is unfortunatley the case in trying to burn fat as well. What's the old cliché? A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Well, when we lock our eyes onto that photo of that buff guy or buxom bombshell on the cover of the latest fitness or weight loss product, something happens. We get excited. We may even get very excited!

Unfortunately, this is something that many in the fitness industry are preying on. They know this and use it to their huge advantage. The process is simple: put a great looking and in-shape guy or girl on a product and it will sell. They don't even have to tell you you'll look like that person - they already know your subconscious will assume it will happen. When you're desperate to burn fat, this is an easy game for the fitness industry to play.

And of course a few weeks later if it doesn't, you may start to lose hope and realize that it's going to be tough to keep up with the unrealistic and overly strict guidelines. You've got a life, right? Sure, you want to burn fat, but you've got a job, maybe a family, and other interests in life. Don't get me wrong, I love a great fat burning workout, but I know you don't want to spend every waking hour for the rest of your life working out!

All of this happened to me several times over as a young man. I wasn't happy with my weight, wanted to burn fat, and was in search of the most efficient way to get lean, strong, and healthy, but while not spending too much time in the gym, or having to follow crazy diet plans for long periods of time. After more than a decade of experimenting on myself, friends, relatives, and perfect strangers, I assembled some of the secrets that I found to work best at burning fat and in the shortest amount of time, on myself and the others that I worked with. Now, what led me to do this was an incredible amount of frustration that I know thousands of others are going through right now. Why? To answer that, I want you to understand the psychological aspects of what we are up against in the world of health and fitness.

What do you call doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? OK, I'll answer this one...Insanity! In some ways, the fitness industry is making you insane in your quest to burn fat and get a lean, strong, and healthy body. Their promises are too good to be true and often they can't typically deliver on them. They are over-promising and under-delivering in many cases.

It's a big psychological game that the fitness industry is playing with us, and it dates back to our childhood. When we were kids, we were all taught in school that we could do anything we wanted to do when we grew up. Your parents might have even told you that you can achieve anything you want if you believe in it strongly enough. I know mine did. While this can provide great inspiration in life's pursuits, it can also be used against you by others, and without you knowing. You are largely a product of your genetic makeup. Just as Mini-Me from the Austin Powers movies could never play in the NBA, a guy like Woody Allen could never win a heavyweight bodybuilding competition.

The reality is that these two guys can burn fat and get in the best shape of their life, but our genes are responsible for much of what we end up looking like when in that best shape. But this isn't what the fitness industry will typically tell you - they want you thinking that anyone can look like a genetic freak of nature...if you just follow their programs, that is. Please know that I am not saying you are doomed by your genes...everyone can make amazing improvements in their physiques with proper exercise and nutrition habits. It's when we start comparing ourselves to the guys or gals in the magazines that we get into trouble, and get lost in that vicious cycle of hype and sensationalism all too prevalent in fitness and fat burning today.

As I mentioned before, you've got a life. You're a busy person. We all are. We live in a fast-paced society, the information age, where we have so many tasks to complete and so little time to complete them. I don't know about you, but I find myself trying to cram everything I do into those few hours between waking up and going to sleep. It's not easy. Then comes along the fitness gurus telling you that to burn fat and get in great shape you've got to workout everyday or close to it. You've got to do aerobics or cardiovascular exercise to burn fat, several times a week. You've got to weight train several other days each week, so that you are literally working out 5-6 days each week, every week. If you want it, you've got to do it, they say.

I'm here to tell you that nothing could be further from the truth! Many of these programs will also tell you that you've got to follow some crazy diet to burn fat. This might include cutting all or most of your carbs, ingesting loads of supplements or other magic weight loss potions. On top of that, when their programs don't deliver, they'll tell you that everyone is different and that you've got to find what works right for you. Wait a minute...weren't they just telling you that their program promises the body on the cover?

What they are doing is keeping you in that fitness insanity that I mentioned earlier. They keep you doing the same thing (trying then next hot product or workout and diet regimen) and promising the same great fat burning results. If it doesn't work, they recommend the next great thing. And too many people go on to that next miracle product or promise and the fitness industry uses this to their advantage!

Unfortunately the fitness industry, in many ways, has become a cycle of hype and sensationalism. Sure, there are some good-hearted trainers and professionals out there, but even some of them are being controlled by the fitness center owners, magazine publishers, and supplement companies. That's where the money is! Even if they are trying to help you, they can become unwitting victims to the machine.

They advertise their products, programs, and diets by using the cream of the crop in the genetic gene pool. Hey, if it worked for that guy or gal with the amazing physique, it will work for me. I fell for it, too, many times, until I did some serious research and experimentation as I mentioned before. Then one day I finally woke up and discovered for myself the secrets that few people are aware of. Secrets that will never dominate the fitness industry's general recommendations because they are unpopular with the people that control the industry. Why?

Because these principles won't sell loads of crazy exercise gimmicks, gadgets, or magic potions. My Fat Burning Furnace students are schooled in the proper application of brief, progressive, and intense resistance training, eating a diet full of nutrient rich foods, drinking tons of water, and getting plenty of quality sleep and rest.

But our subconscious mind is powerful, and you have to watch out...even today, I can get sucked in to a compelling late night TV ad, even though I know better. So you've got to stay on guard. If people would pay more attention to proven principles like those I teach my students, and spend less time with the latest "butt buster" or "fat stripper" on the market, we'd all be healthier, leaner, stronger, and happier for it. And we'd also be burning a heck of a lot more fat in the process.

Learn how to ignite your own fat burning furnace without cardio or fad diets

and grab your copy of Rob's fat loss and fitness gifts here: Burn Body Fat Fast

Rob Poulos is a fitness enthusiast, fat loss expert, and the founder and CEO of Zero to Hero Fitness. Rob spent the majority of the last decade searching for the most effective and efficient ways to get and stay lean, strong, and healthy. In those past 10 years, Rob experimented with and analyzed numerous exercise and nutrition strategies and protocols promoted by fitness centers, magazines, books, late night TV ads, and the so-called fitness gurus.

After several attempts that didn?t meet the high standards Rob had set for himself, he became so frustrated with the loads of misinformation on the market that he personally committed to finding the secrets that were hidden in all of the hype and sensationalism all to prevalent in the industry.

Finally, after having amassed a great deal of life-changing knowledge and truths, Rob founded Zero to Hero Fitness and created the Fat Burning Furnace fitness system so he could spread the word to others interested in seeking out life long fitness and health.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Improve the Health of Your Brain, Heart, Blood, and More With One Tip for Eating Right

Eating right is not always easy. For instance, the complexity of getting good nutrition out of essential fatty acids might turn people away from even trying. From this article, you will gain an understanding of which essential fatty acids belong in healthy diets and why.

The payoffs of making an effort to learn how to eat healthy with omega-3s, specifically EPA and DHA, are far-reaching. A wide scope of research on these two omega-3 fatty acids tells us everything we need to know in order to start making healthy eating choices that improve our lives as a whole.

In the first research study we reference, people with mild Alzheimer's were given EPA/DHA supplements. After 6 months of this treatment, their scores on cognitive tests improved. We also know that an EPA/DHA treatment can reduce depression. Conversely, people with low levels of DHA in their brains are more prone to depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is associated with low levels of EPA and DHA and high levels of omega-6 fats in the blood. All of these health concerns relate to the brain, an all-important organ in everyone's bodies.

Another study looked at the effects of omega-3s on body composition. Healthy weight loss and effective muscle increase are the goals of body re-composition systems, and EPA/DHA supplements just might be the best addition to diet food to reach these goals. To show why, men and women who were overweight took 6g of tuna oil a day, which meant about 1.9g of omega-3s. After 12 weeks of combining this healthy eating plan with moderate exercise, they lost clinically significant amounts of body fat. Healthy women and men can also get some help maintaining ideal fat-burning rates, as approximately 2lb of fat were lost due to increased lipid oxidation when these people ingested 6g of fish oil in place of another type of dietary fat each day. The way omega-3s help people achieve healthy weight loss and maintain healthy body compositions is most likely through EPA and DHA being preferentially incorporated into cell membranes and/or being the catalyst of advantageous anti-inflammatory processes. Either way, the fats are being used in ways other than storage, which is the goal of learning how to eat healthy in order to improve body composition.

People with rheumatoid arthritis can find some relief from debilitating symptoms by using omega-3 diet food as treatment. Two recent meta-analyses showed that EPA/DHA supplementation lessened pain intensity, decreased morning stiffness, limited the number of affected joints, improved physical performance, and reduced the amount of necessary pain medication.

Essential omega-3 fatty acids can be found in healthy diets that include plant oils (chia, pumpkin, hemp, flax), but these are alphalinoleic acids. The fatty acids we are focusing on as the origin of multiple health benefits, EPA and DHA, are linoleic acids and come from the sea (fish, algae, shellfish). While any nutrient under the umbrella category of omega-3 fat is good nutrition, EPA and DHA are the ones every person should focus on obtaining. Rather than turning to the sea for every ingredient in healthy meals, people usually turn to a supplement of fish oil. But, times are changing, and research has identified a new marine source of omega-3s that is even more effective and beneficial than fish oil.

This source is a tiny shrimp-like crustacean called krill. They live in the frigid Antarctic waters and are able to survive because of the high EPA and DHA content in their cell membranes. This feature, coupled with a lack of toxic build-up, makes krill a safe alternative to fish. Another unique feature of krill is that its EPA and DHA are in the phospholipid form, instead of triglyceride, which means more efficient intake by cells. Phospholipids have additional helpful components that are not found in fish. Choline is an important nutrient for brain development and astaxanthin is an antioxidant that protects cells from damage and boosts immune function.

Are you wondering how krill oil can actually help you and if it's worth it to start a supplement regimen? For a few examples, if you suffer from PMS, deal with inflammation in your body, or want a healthier heart, then you should be taking krill oil. A research study took 70 women who were diagnosed with PMS and treated them with 2g of either fish oil or krill oil. Both supplied 600mg of EPA and DHA, but remember that krill oil has a bonus: naturally occurring phospholipids. Krill outperformed fish oil in lessening joint pain, irritability, depression, stress, and bloating. Also, the participants who received krill oil did not need as much analgesic pain medication as the fish oil group.

Heart disease and arthritis are two conditions that result from inflammation. People familiar with inflammatory diseases know that CRP is a systemic marker of inflammation. A recent study performed with people who had high CRP levels and either heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, or osteoarthritis found that krill oil worked to reduce CRP levels by 19% after only 7 days. Being treated for 30 days resulted in levels being reduced by 30%.

Another study focused solely on heart health. People with elevated blood LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, which are common risk factors for heart disease, were given one of the following treatments: 1-1.5g/day or 2-3g/day of krill oil (based on individuals' BMIs), 3g of fish oil, or a placebo. The lowest dose of krill oil lowered LDL cholesterol and raised healthy HDL cholesterol. 2g/day added the effect of lowered triglycerides. The fish oil did lower cholesterol, but it was a smaller change than what the krill oil produced, and it did not help out triglyceride levels.

The bottom line on eating right with omega-3 fats is that you should choose EPA and DHA from marine sources. Krill oil will give you the daily dose needed to complete a proper ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats, plus additional health benefits. Check out EFA Icon from Prograde if you're ready for a healthier life.


Discover other diet food that is essential for good health.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why You Should "Just Say No" To Diets If You Want To Burn Fat (Part II)

In part one of this article, I talked about how avoiding diets is one of the best things you can do for your long term health and fitness success, espcially if you want to burn fat. In this second part, I'll show you how you can start to transition from your current lifestyle to one that creates a lean, strong body and lasting health.

From a nutritional standpoint, you need a healthy balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in your diet to keep your metabolism firing on all cylinders, constantly burning fat. Fad diets have a coolness factor to them that sometimes makes them irresistible at first. But in the long run I've found it best to go back to the basics of what your body craves. Let's talk about that...

Complex Carbs (whole grains, breads, cereals, etc.) are vital to maintaining your energy throughout the day and do a host of other things within your body including keeping you feeling full. I'll also lump fruits in with complex carbs, because of their high fiber content and slow absorption into the blood stream, keeping our insulin level in check, which is important for less fat storage and a higher chance of burning stored fat.

Simple Carbs, or sugars (candy, soda pop, white processed baked goods, etc) are to be avoided and kept to a minimum for the most part. They provide little nutritional value to you and are what I often refer to as empty calories. They just add calories to your body with little or no nutritional value that are going to end up in your fat stores if you're not careful with how much you ingest. Forget about maximum fat burning here. Of course, many people are aware of the blood sugar and insulin connection with eating too many simple carbs. Our insulin regulates are blood sugar level and takes any excess sugars and stores them as fat. We then are stuck getting tired and hungry, making repeating this cycle far too easy. The best way to avoid this, I've found, is eating a sensible amounts of complex carbohydrates instead.

Proteins (lean meats, fish, poultry, soy, beans and legumes, etc.) are important to maintain the cellular structures in your body and provide the building blocks for the lean muscle you're after, which is vital if you want to burn fat fast. But with anything else, don't go overboard with protein. Some fitness experts claim that you'll need a minimum 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight each day. There is no real proof that this is the case, and ingesting more protein than your body needs ends up going to your fat it doesn't do your kidneys or liver any good either. I've found that keeping protein to around 0.5 grams per pound of bodyweight each day more than sufficient in feeding the lean muscle growth that my Fat Burning Furnace students stimulate with their properly performed resistance exercise.

Another important aspect of protein involves whether or not you're getting your protein from animal or plant based sources. While the traditional American diet recommends most animal based proteins, recent data suggests that too heavy a reliance on animal proteins increases risks for disease. On top of that, animal proteins contain almost no fiber, which doesn't go very far in keeping you feeling full, and negatively effects your ability to burn fat. When choosing your protein sources, make sure you eat a good portion of your protein from plant sources (soy, beans, legumes, etc.). You don't have to be a vegetarian, but I recommend keeping your animal proteins on the low side.

Fats (found in many proteins, nuts, oils, etc.) are essential to maintain certain bodily processes like hair, nail, and skin regeneration. There is a lot of confusion with fats out there, some recommending extremely low fat diets and others even recommending a very high fat diet. If you are focusing on lean protein choices in your meals, and including small amounts of healthy oils, nuts, and seeds in your diet, your fat intake will be in order.

So how much of each of these macro nutrients should you be eating to maximize fat burning and get that lean fit body you're after? It's easy to get caught up in the percentages and counting calories, but the easiest way I've found is to count portions instead of calories. An easy way to ensure that this happens is to make sure you eat both a portion or two of complex carbs and a portion of protein at each meal. Add as many green veggies as you can eat, as they're super low in calories and provide more fiber, enzymes that aid in digestion, and vitamins and minerals that will be more than adequate for most people. Remember, focus on nutrient rich foods and you'll find that burning fat and getting healthy will seem like a natural.

How many times per day should we be eating to burn the most fat? I can tell you that three meals a day is not going to cut it when trying to burn fat fast and get lean, at least not in my experience. In fact, if you wanted to get as fat as possible, you should eat all of your daily calories in one meal. Eating smaller more frequent meals throughout the day is the fastest way to fat loss. It fires up your metabolism, as every time you eat something, the metabolism kicks it up a notch. Try and eat 5-6 smaller meals per day, spaced about 3 hours apart.

Now, I know many people don't want to be taken out of their breakfast, lunch, and dinner you can still eat at those traditional meal times, but try cutting back a bit on how much food you eat at those meals and add those calories into 2 or 3 snack meals in between. A snack meal could be a protein/energy bar or maybe even a piece of fruit and a slice of whole grain bread.

So you see, eating for a lean, strong, and healthy body isn't so difficult...and it doesn't require you to eliminate essential foods like complex carbohydrates from your diet. In fact, doing so will put you into the cycle of confusion of fad diets that is all too prevalent in fitness today. And that's a cycle that's tough to break out of. Focus on foods your body craves naturally instead, and the rest of the details will be easy to implement into your lifestyle. Before long you'll start to burn fat faster than you might have thought possible.

Learn how to ignite your own fat burning furnace without cardio or fad diets

and grab your copy of Rob's fat loss and fitness gifts here: Burn Body Fat Fast

Rob Poulos is a fitness enthusiast, fat loss expert, and the founder and CEO of Zero to Hero Fitness. Rob spent the majority of the last decade searching for the most effective and efficient ways to get and stay lean, strong, and healthy. In those past 10 years, Rob experimented with and analyzed numerous exercise and nutrition strategies and protocols promoted by fitness centers, magazines, books, late night TV ads, and the so-called fitness gurus.

After several attempts that didn?t meet the high standards Rob had set for himself, he became so frustrated with the loads of misinformation on the market that he personally committed to finding the secrets that were hidden in all of the hype and sensationalism all to prevalent in the industry.

Finally, after having amassed a great deal of life-changing knowledge and truths, Rob founded Zero to Hero Fitness and created the Fat Burning Furnace fitness system so he could spread the word to others interested in seeking out life long fitness and health.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Strategically-Timed Workouts for Burning Fat Fast

We know intuitively that workouts can help to burn fat. Consider the fact that each pound of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories. So the more calories we burn through workouts, the more pounds and fat we can burn. But what are the keys to exercising when our goal is burning fat fast?

Besides maintaining fat burning diet, you can maximize your body's fat-burning, by doing fat- burning workouts. But not all fat-burning workouts are alike! For example, to maximize how much fat your body burns it's important to combine fat-burning exercises, with muscle-building exercises. This will help you in your ultimate goal of burning fat fast. Clinical studies show that you can maximize your body's fat burning, by combining the right type of cardiovascular exercises, with weight-resistance training.

However, the "timing is everything" rule also applies when using exercise to lose body fat. Exercising at the right time is just as important as doing the right exercises. When is the best time to do fat-burning exercises? In particular, the ideal time to do your aerobic exercise is in the morning. The reason is that your body's level of glycogen (stored carbohydrates) is extremely low then. That's because you've likely been fasting for about 12 hours since dinnertime.

So if your fitness goal is burning fat fast, then you should do your cardio exercising in the morning. This will help you to lose body fat throughout your body, while allowing you to burn belly fat. In fact, experts suggest that you can burn up to 300% more fat, by exercising in the morning and before you've eaten your breakfast.

But there's another big benefit of doing aerobic fat burning exercises in the morning. Besides giving you the ability to burn more fat, you'll also burn fat longer. Here's why. As you might guess, our metabolisms slow down significantly in the evening, as our bodies prepare for sleep. Then they take a nosedive while we actually sleep. During this time our bodies focus on recovering from the previous day. So if you do a rigorous aerobic workout during the morning, your body can keep burning fat throughout the day. This is another reason why doing your cardiovascular workouts in the morning will help in your goal of burning fat fast.

It's important to note that the optimum way to lose belly fat fast is to complement the right workout program, with the right diet program. Not only is the timing of your exercising important, but also the timing of your eating. For example, clinical studies show that when you eat is just as important as how many calories you eat, if your goal is to burn fat fast. Experts suggest that about 75% of fast-loss is related to diet, while about 25% is related to exercise. So fantastic workouts will never compensate for poor diets!

Scott Berger is a highly regarded fitness coach who promises to help you to lose more fat than any other fat-loss program can. He also provides a 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee to back up his claims as well as a testimonial list that reads like the who's who of celebrity fitness. Visit his blog and take action on burning fat fast.